Opaline Onyx Diamond




Opaline Onyx Diamond

Titles The Primodrial/Precursor/Antediluvian

Designation Cut-000 Facet-0000

Gem Type Zircon

Gem Area Mid-Stomach

Pronouns He/Him, Rarely They/Them

Age Undocumented

Role Ruler, Judge, Ambassador & Divine Apostle

Court Law, Foreign Affairs & Faith

Rank Tier 3, Former Head

Worth $40

HTML Pinky


The eldest diamond within the authority, being created thousands upon thousands of years before the first diamond was even created. Opaline is a diamond-quality Zircon who formed by the will of the universe, being alone for many years before any more gem life was created by the galaxy. Learning and adapting with organic life, Opaline is an extremely brilliant gem with wisdom for his years.

He rules over the court of Law, Foreign Affairs and Faith towards the “spirits”. Within his court as Zircons, Judges, Ambassadors, Priests and more. Once acting as the head of the authority up until Era 5 when he stepped down to give Sage the mantle. Overall, Opaline is a highly important figure to the authority, holding on to the most knowledge and bringing order to the unorderly via law.

Diamond Form - Opaline Onyx

Height 20'0"

Build Ectomorph

Eyes Iridescent, Cat-Like Pupils

Skin Tone Slate Grey

Hair Color White Ombre into Iridescent

Hair Style Medium Loose

Demeanor Regal, Calm, Attempted Grandeur


  • On bare skin you will find flecks of iridescent colorations.
  • Gemstone is an upright rectangular shape with a four-faceted cut.
  • Helmet is removeable.
  • Colors are inverted from Zircon/Natural formation.

Zircon Form - Opaline Porcelain

Height 7'5"

Build Ectomorph

Eyes Iridescent, Cat-Like Pupils

Skin Tone Porcelain White

Hair Color Slate Grey

Hair Style Sleek Short Tied into Bun

Demeanor Confident, Unreactive, Relaxed


  • Unseen as the many rings and bracelets he wears. They are adorned in a lot of iridescent jewelry.
  • Coat is removable, gemstone will not move from it's spot.
  • This is their natural formation and the most comfortable, you'll find him in less stiff poses.
  • Consistant iridescent accents throughout outfit and form.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Opaline’s general personality is one of a calm gem, one who has clearly lived for the number of years that Opaline has. With wisdom comes a sense of numbness towards most things, most experiences are old and even new ones are short lived. When in his Zircon form he’s generally much more relaxed and learned on things, generally more accepting of relationships and even seeks out those relationships. With their diamond one, they try to give an air of regalness and authority and have been successful in such so far. Overall, Opaline is a diamond that is fairly easy to approach with questions, comments or concerns. Friendship with Opaline is harder to achieve, however isn’t impossible for the common gems of the Empire.



The thing they did for so long, it's hard for them to not like it.

Organic Life

While they do like organics, as they basically grew up around them, he is still willing to use them for personal/empire gain.

Gem Life

Finally he found others like him after all the time alive, he's made it a personal goal to help gems prosper.

Romance Stories

He isn't sure who writes these things, but stars above is he a hopeless romantic who reads constantly.


Deep Puddles

On a planet he once stepped into what he thought was a normal pubble, they fell 20 feet into what they describe as "a whole lot of darkness and water."


Don't get them wrong, Spinels are lovely entertainers but stars above how do they move like that.


You get your tailcoat burnt once, you swear revenge against it ever since.

Cloudy Skies

Clouded skies simply just make them feel sad and make them think back to a certain planet they want to forget.



Aura Projection

A diamond’s natural ability to project an aura that affects gems around them. Opaline projects a more minor aura that induces nostalgia and places gems in a vulnerable state to acts and questioning, often used in court to extract the truth from the accused.


The minor ability to turn an object, gem or organic into a crystalline like state. While this drains the gem’s energy significantly, for gems and organic life this crystallization is a one-shot K.O. if the crystal the gem or organic has been turned into is shattered.

Holo-Light Manipulation

The ability to manipulate light, but a certain type that has a transparent, yet hard texture. Creating walkable surfaces, shields, cubes or simple abstract shapes. This is mainly used for travel by walking across these surfaces like a bridge through even the void of space.

Enhanced Mind, Form and Abilities

Being created from the same material that created natural diamonds, Opaline has enhanced strength, sight and pretty much everything else. They may not naturally be a diamond, however they have the strength of one.

Minor Self-Explanatory Abilities

Standard Gem Abilities (Shapeshifting, Bubbling, Poofing, Weapon Summoning, Etc.), Water-Walking, Gem Creation (Diamond Essence), Minor Healing Tears.



In the beginning, the universe was quiet. An odd organic colony here and there, but nothing had made it far. However, upon on planet of brilliant purple and pink hues, the shifting plants under the soils of that lively planet trembled, shifting and moving over the course of many, many years. Within the depths a sparkling gemstone had been coated in what could only be described as the essence of life itself. When the time was right, a hand shot up through the soil, a figure breaking through, hacking and coughing as the dirt got in their mouth. It wasn't a very pretty formation, what could one expect from the first gem. But, they were there not, rising to their feet and looking around the landscape, lost and having zero clue what to do with their existence.

This gem was a Zircon, Opaline Porcelain Zircon, the first gem to be created within the vastness of the galaxy. A gem who was infused with the minerals and properties of a Diamond, but in the wrong body. What should have been the start of something grand, was just the creation of a powerful Zircon without an ounce of coding or purpose. They wandered the galaxy without a clue what to do, travelling across platforms of holo-light, the void of space was their park for the foreseeable future.

Opaline was a determined gem however, this determination bubbled up in the goal of overcoming the overbearing sense of loniless he felt in the galaxy. In their travels, they came across organic societies and simply just lived among the communities. Sometimes being worshipped as an immortal, god-like being, sometimes being shunned within the first few days. Opaline learned, adapted and prospered in these organic communities, but never did feel at home as even the ones that Opaline was most fond of, would die out and they could only sit back and watch as time took its toll on life. While they had gained knowledge about societies long gone, knowledge about themself as a gem and so much more, something was always missing.

The Great Catalyst

Till the day of the great catalyst. The exploding of a massive asteroid in the distance caught the Zircon's eye as they sat on the surface of a small moon. Taking a mental note of the explosion, Opaline hung around on the moon and the planet it orbitted for a good while as they often did in their travels. This was supposed to be nothing more than settling down for a bit then getting back up to travel like he always did, but that didn't happen.

That exploding asteroid held the essence of life that created him, but in an utterly massive quantity and as it scattered across near by space the gift of life was spread far and wide into the depths of planets. And after time had passed, planets and moons burst, exploding entirely as the formation of other gems happened. Gems of scale Opaline has never seen before, ones that towered over him. Diamonds, true diamonds, beings that he was intended to be, but never was. Seeing the gleaming gemstones on those Diamond's forms struck something inside them, they had found their kind, and this time they weren't going to get this group die out too.

Empire Life






Sage Diamond

Fellow Diamond & Successor

The fused Diamond, the one who succeeded Opaline as the Head of the Authority. Opaline admires Sage’s drive of advancement, he is always so curious by what comes out of their court. To say he favors Sage would be a slight bit of an understatement as his bias towards science and magic has been clear since day one and after those two Diamonds fused, Sage quickly became one of Opaline’s favorites.


Jet Black Diamond

Fellow Diamond

Opaline is… unsure what to think of Jet Black Diamond. The ruler of the militia which Jet is hasn’t given Opaline much of a reason to interact with the towering monarch. While he doesn’t hate Jet, he doesn’t like them either, it’s a sense of pure neutrality towards a fellow Diamond.


Terracotta Diamond

Fellow Diamond

The mother of gemkind (in title really), Terracotta oversees gem creation which Opaline appreciates. He holds no sense of ill will towards Terracotta, but doesn’t interact much with the lonesome Diamond.


Celestial Blue Diamond

Fellow Diamond



Ocean Dream Diamond

Fellow Diamond



Indigo Diamond

Fellow Diamond



Twisted Purple-Yellow Diamond

Fellow Diamond



Colorless Diamond

Fellow Diamond



Opaline Pearl

Dual Personal Attendant

Opaline Pearl is the lesser known attendant out of Opaline Onyx’s three pearls. This pearl serves both forms, but takes after the diamond form more closely. Opaline Pearl isn’t simply an attendant, but a high priestess of the court, being the public image for the Empire’s faith. Her service to her Diamond/Zircon is absolute and this pearl’s resolve to the faith is unmatched.


Onyx Pearl

Diamond's Personal Attendant

Opaline’s attendant for when they are in their diamond form, making Onyx the Pearl with a more public image then the other. Onyx is Opaline’s pearl who is specialized in more front-facing work, tending to the Foreign Affairs part of the court, being able to speak a number of languages. Though, this current Onyx Pearl is the second iteration, after he had to replace the first one.


Porcelain Pearl

Zircon's Personal Attendant

The pearl who serves Opaline in his Zircon formation. Due to the more relaxed personality Opaline had in his natural form, their relationship with Porcelain Pearl is much more personal and he often finds the pearl to be his more favored of the two. Porcelain is adept in more law matters, making them a good attendant for a Zircon.