


6 months, 28 days ago


××× 1st Depth Level ×××

Name: Graveyard

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Partner Gender Preference: Female

Species: Unicorn

Strengths: Presentation, Cleanliness, Aesthetic

Weaknesses: Hyperfixation

Personality: Cultured, Disciplined, Elegant, Stubborn, Blunt

Career: Professor of Historical Fashion

Toyhouse Link:

Voiceclaim: Lead Singer of Tones and I

Theme Song: Habits - Genevieve Stokes

Summary: She’s very clean and precise, and she knows a lot. She’s spent her life studying fashion and vintage fashion, as well as cultural fashion. She loves aesthetic design, whether it’s clothes, makeup, or interior.

××× 2nd Depth Level ×××

Eye Color/s: Purplish Blue

Primary Color/s (body): Greytoned Purple

Aesthetic (first glance): Goth

Aesthetic (preferred): Vintage

Birthday: November 22nd

Zodiac: Scorpio-Sagittarius cusper

Family Connections:  Not on speaking terms with parents

Family Health Status: Poor

Disabilities: Autistic, Migraines

××× 3rd Depth Level ×××

Pets: Barn Owl named Starchild

Love Language (giving): Infodumping, Touch, Cleaning

Love Language (receiving): Touch, Gifts

Sus Level  : 7/10

Cuddle Love Level: 10/10

Favorite Cuddle Position: Thigh pillows

Favorite Way To Fall Asleep: With a book

Favorite Food: Potato Soup

Favorite Animal: Owl

Favorite Color: Grey-Blue & Ivory

Favorite Jewelry Type: 

××× Extra Info ×××

  • Cutie mark is the freckle of stars on her thigh.
  • She infodumps a lot of historical facts about fashion and WILL fall in love with you if you listen to her.