Iris's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

MlSSlNGN0 Global Rules

~Once you obtain one of my designs IT IS YOURS. I will never revoke a design.

~HOWEVER you do not own, nor are obligated to, commercial rights or full ownership/copyright of that character. My designs will NEVER have commercial rights permissions unless specifically commissioned as such.

~Designs obtained for free cannot be resold unless some form of art/writing work is added.

~Do not knowingly adopt for blacklisted users .

~Ask if you want to make a CS version of one of my designs.

~You may not turn my one offs into any sort of closed/open species.

~Do not obtain CS designs by me just to void them.

~Do not use my stuff for hateful or problematic things.

~Redesigns are ok but NO whitewashing, removing queer rep, changing a design entirely.

If you have a design of mine that you can't list it for trade because of trade permissions please don't hesitate to contact me!

Please do not trade my designs to the following people;

Kun-Pinky, Chip2Changeling, StarLuckArt, AGayHippo, Gamecvbe, NecturBee, HimeSara84

Thank you.