Gin's Comments

Hi!! Are u still looking for a character custom in exchange for this guy or just swaps only?

Hmm... I have already found someone to make a custom, but would you consider offering a ref sheet? Nothing suuper big, but I have a character with only a bust drawing. [This is him]

If that is something you are not up to do, no worries! I hope you have a lovely day + thanks for offering! :)

Yeah I can absolutely do that!! Turnaround time would b about 3 weeks if that’s okay with you?

That’s fine! As long as there are wips shown/checkpoints.

Also, do you mind if I sketch up a quick fullbody doodle to help?

+ do you have a sample of what you were planning to make/what I should be expecting?

I just want to be sure about this offer is all.

Yeah!! You can tell me everything u want on the ref and what kind of design u want and I’ll sketch up the ref + design concepts for u to pick from and once it’s all approved I’ll finish it for ya!! If u decide u want to go ahead with the deal pls feel free to dm me!! :))

And u can totally do that doodle to help! And here’s an example of a custom design + ref sheet I did for another customer! -

Alrighty, perfect! I’ll dm you shortly!

What are you looking for :0

Other scpkid designs

Ahh unfortunately i dont have any to offer but thanks for getting back to me!!