salamander "sal" abrahams



5 months, 24 days ago


Sal Abrahams

created 2022

Name       Salamander "Sal" Farokh Abrahams

GENDER man (he/him)

Orientation gay

Occupation   FRINGE employee

Sal's this recovering charlatan type who's really only concerned with making it from one moment to the next which gets him in a lot of trouble a lot of the time because mostly he's just out here entertaining himself. He has this idea of himself as really high class really sophisticated but in a really outdated way he got from TV as a kid and mostly an act to distance himself from his upbringing in very rural farmland NY. He's a good guy but he comes across as selfish and shallow. There's something very nurturing in him that walks off leash as domineering.

He works for a US independent agency that's in charge of regulating supernatural creatures and happenings (like imagine if the USPS or AMTRAK was the x-files) called FRINGE (fortean research institute and national goodwork establishment) but colloquially and almost universally referred to as The Union with his partner Ellie.    


Sal wants to take hold of the world and shake it until its pockets are empty. He is a want that has forgotten the word "enough." There's something missing in Sal's life: it's genuine human connection and stability, but he's pretty sure it's stuff.

He has a very in the moment approach to life, prioritizing immediate gratification and entertaining himself without much consideration for consequences. because of this he lies, cheats, steals, and just in general engages in reckless behavior which often has a snowballing effect. His impulsivity and lack of forward thinking makes it difficult for him to establish genuine connections and maintain stable relationships. On the other hand, because of his ability to live moment to moment, there's an undeniable resilience in Sal. He can think on his feet very well. This adaptability isn't just survival instinct; it's a testament to his creativity and cleverness, traits that consistently get him and his partner out of sticky situations.

Sal's self-consciousness is a lurking shadow that guides his every move. Desperate to shed the vestiges of his less than glamourous upbringing, he adopts an air of sophistication that feels borrowed. He exudes confidence, captivating with fabricated stories that, while untrue, have a charm that is impossible to ignore. This theatrical facade, though captivating, leaves others at arm's length, perceiving him as shallow and offputting. The confidence however, is no facade. Sal's charisma is infectious, and his presence can easily transform the mundane into something extraordinary.

Beneath the surface, there's a nurturing side to Sal, an untamed force that occasionally spills over into domineering behavior. Driven by a need to exert control in a life where circumstances dictate otherwise, he imposes his version of "help" onto others without considering their perspectives. In his mind, he knows best, and any alternative decision would only lead to disaster. In moments of vulnerability, Sal's nurturing and kind side shines through. Despite the chaos he often creates, he is there when needed most, offering support and genuine care.


Early Life and Education

Salamander was born in Phoenicia, NY to a single mother and, according to her, was named such because he was "little, wet, and slimy, like a salamander" when he was born. Raised on a farm with a handful of other families, Sal found himself shouldering responsibilities early on as one of the eldest children, often taking care of the younger ones.

Sal graduated from high school with a sense of restlessness lingering within him.


Sal spent the majority of his early-mid twenties conning his way through fortean spaces, usually leveraging fortean people's vulnerable status against them (let me stay on your couch or I'll tell everyone you're a werewolf etc.). Caught in the act by FRINGE, Sal faced a pivotal crossroads. Given an ultimatum, he had to choose between facing legal consequences for his actions or working off his debts by joining FRINGE. Enticed by the allure of a glamorous life of travel and intrigue, painted by the organization, Sal reluctantly chose the latter. 
Reality, however, had a way of tempering such illusions. Sal found himself working undercover, a role that proved detrimental to his already fragile grip on reality. An incident during one of these operations led to his probation, in which he was made under the supervision of his direct superior's daughter, Georgia.
In an attempt to address the toll on Sal's mental well-being, he was encouraged to participate in a company mental health retreat. However, during the first day there he fell down a hill, breaking both his arm and leg.
This retreat marked a turning point in Sal's professional life as he was reassigned to work with Ellie, initially on a temporary basis. At first, their relationship was fraught with tension, their relationship eventually developed into something more… Despite his occasional pretense of disliking him, Ellie is Sal's best and maybe only friend. Their connection provided a stabilizing force in Sal's tumultuous life, offering a rare glimpse of genuine companionship in a world he had previously navigated through deception and manipulation.