Sketch Coms | OPEN's Comments


I find your art very beautiful, but I can't pay. Would you also accept characters?

I would certainly consider!!

You can look here ♡

Characters with forever Home are off limits.

Could I get one of these potentially? Your style is so friggn cute!!

Of course!

Who would you like?

Id love to get a drawing of ( Her if its alright!!

I love getting cute art of Aster TwT if not ( works too!

I’d be more than happy to draw sunny!
was there anything in particular you’d like? Like poses or expressions?

I think with aster(the tab on sunny) I would like her to have a kind of shy or flustered expression! Otherwise anything works!

Sounds good!
the total will be $10! feel free to send the amount to [email protected] over on PayPal whenever

1 Replies

Could I get one of these potentially? Your style is so friggn cute!!

UR STYLE IS SO CUTEEE!!! id love to get one of these!!

Awesome! Who would you like drawn?

could you draw ? With her peach nose/pawpads please! :D and feel free to do whatever for her outfit lol!

Awww what a cutie!

mind giving me a quick summary of the character’s personality? So I can better decide a pose? Assuming you don’t have an idea in mind.

Ya ofc!! Feel free to poke around her older art btw, that has more examples of personality lol

Uhh lemme make a quick list hereee: enfp personality type, energetic, outgoing, sassy. Kind of punk! Oo adventurous, creative. Man this is hard to do off the top of my head lol. I hope this works tho x,D

Yup that’s perfect!

Go ahead and send $10 to [email protected] whenever you’re ready!

1 Replies