dalaer firahel



7 months, 10 days ago


1:16 4:13

Dalaer Firahel
high elf | male | ~80

A disgraced son of a minor noble house; he has been thrown out on the street for being caught with a servant, where the cult of the Absolute found him and took him away.

Family may not be important enough for its name to carry weight, but it is old enough to be powerful by the sheer amount of connections - losing his place there would mean losing everything.

  • company
  • wine
  • embroidery
  • people looking over his shoulder
  • sour food

I’m only 20
and I already ask forgiveness for the mistakes that I committed

chaotic good | esfp | pisces | wheel of fortune
charming gentle agreeable

He is well-mannered, soft-spoken and has a tendency to go along with whatever the other person wants. Despite all of that, he tends to grow a spine the more time he spends with somebody and the more he notices how their actions impact them and others.

However, with that being said, he is not someone indecisive and modest - no, he knows his own strengths and plays to them. While his weakness is being a yes-man to others, he knows himself enough to compensate for that and ensure that, when in a group, everyone performs at their best.

His softness is also his charming point; most people would tell you that he's a great listener and a good person, sometimes even labelling him as a perfect shoulder to cry on. This may make it look like he spends his time in service to others, but it's for his own sake as much as theirs - when people remember you fondly, it's easy to ask for help or favours.


you will put the blame on others
or the blame will be yours

average height | slim | confident
Important Notes
  • he wears only gold jewellery and only green gems
  • his clothes nowadays are a mishmash of different colors (mostly green, gold and black), but when he was younger they were mainly black with gold accents - colors of his house - reminiscent of uniforms
  • the scales appear only when he's using quite a bit of magic; but the more time the tadpole spends swimming around, the less they appear, until they disappear entirely

I’m 20 years old
and I don’t give a shit at all, I have nothing to show you all

golden boy's fall from grace

He learnt how to cast magic before he could walk. Babbling away long-worgotten words of his draconic ancestors, he would cause small explosions and fireworks to entertain himself when no one was attending to him.

His older sister, Sariel, was not of such luck. She had the gift as well, but not of the same intensity as him, which made her lesser in the elder's eyes. However, that permitted her more freedom than him - something he knew from the very beginning; something she was never aware of. A luxury he could never afford - to be free from prying eyes, to be able to relax and be himself.


For eighty-something years he lived under ever-watchful gaze of the elders; they took care of everything around him, he never needed to lift a finger for necessities -- in return, he just had to be the perfect son. It was suffocating, and he rebelled in small ways -- being late, speaking up when he was instructed to be silent, trying to keep his clothes and appearance a bit disheveled at all times...
Nothing changed.
So his rebellions became bigger and bigger, he started ignoring manners and breaking taboos - paying attention to servants for more than a glance, a quick interaction; enough to kiss and be kissed - enough to be caught.

The moment he got caught was the moment that it all ended. He was kicked out on the streets with a small amount of coin and his belongings - not enough to survive for too long; but thankfully, the servants helped him. You see, there was this underground organisation that would help all the outcasts, people like them; and he took the bait without question, for he had nowhere else to go.