
7 months, 1 day ago



Called Milady/Yuri

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age Unknown

Race Kitsune

Role Moon Goddess

Theme Better Place

HTML Pinky


Yuri is a nine-tailed kitsune, but she rarely has all nine of her tails out unless she is pissed. She is a 2nd generation Goddess of the Moon after "unfortunate" passing of her mother, Hoshi. For the most part, she keeps to herself in the realm of the gods, but that doesn't mean if someone steps out of line she will remain silent. Occasional she will observe the mortal realm to see how humanity has progressed or faltered over the eons. .

Though she doesn't know it Yuri takes pride in her work, she usually priotizes it over frivolous things such as relationships or even friendships. She deems those useless only because they eventually all have to come to an end, the only beings she has kept are Ren and Leo(in her canon).


Height 5'8"

Build Curvy

Eyes Silver

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color Pink

Hair Style Half-Up Do

Demeanor Stoic•Mature•Playful


  • Her human disguise consists of blonde/pink hair and blue eyes.
  • The red markings she has only appear when all nine tails are out.
  • She prefers an updo or ponytail when its hot out.
  • Her fox ears and tail can be hidden regardless of kitsune or human form.
  • Author's Notes: As long as her color palette is sorta followed I'm not picky about outfits or expressions. I would love to see her with other ocs!


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Due to past emotional trauma Yuri has developed a very blunt, reserved personality. She prefers shorter conversations that get right to the point instead of elongated conversations with pointless banter inbetween. It's not hard to understand her only if you are willing to "listen". She speaks through subtle body language such as small tag wags when she is happy or excited. Anybody who irritates her will only be welcomed with a darkened expression. Yuri is the type to easily shut down emotionally/mentally if painful situations from her past are brought up or being abandoned by those she has grown attached to. For people she trusts, she will be willing to show give more direct emotions even become playful or flirtious (Only those she is INTERESTED in). Yuri is a hit or miss for physical contact, it is people dependent.


Like 1

Yuri is low-key a sucker for sweets especially any strawberry flavored sweets.

Like 2

She likes her space and alone time.

Like 3

Leo, her adopted ghost son and Ren, her assistant.

Like 4

Her hidden lake spot. It is filled with Moon butterflies and various speciments of flowers. She loves going when the moon is at its highest spot.


Dislike 1

Yuri hates any bitter tasting foods.

Dislike 2

Noisy and Nosy people/noises.

Dislike 3

Physical contact (Only Allowed by Certain People).

Dislike 4

Kissing. (There are certain acceptions)




Her tail "speaks" for her more than her words ever will. When she is upset about something her tail will swiftly flick around to show off her irritation. To show off her happiness, there will be subtle wags of her tail. Tucking her tail between her legs is how she shows off that she is sad and for frightened it will puff up.

Fox Ears

Similiar to her tail, she uses her ears to speak instead of being vocal. When her ears are focused on a person/subject it means her attention fixated on that situation until her interest is lost. Pinned ears are a sign of anger, while airplane ears show off her distress. Very rarely will she droop her ears to show off her sadness, those she is vunerable to will be able to see this.


Subconsciously when she is nervous or upset, Yuri will scratch at her wrist until it bleeds. When she spirals remembering events from her past she will scrub and scratch at her hands until she regains her thoughts. Tapping her fingers against a desk/any objects is a way to show off when she is lost in thought.

Facial Expressions

Yuri shows no expression to most other than showing off her annoyance or expression of violent intent, but those she is close with and holds dear, they get to see a more vulnerable side of her. She is known to pout when irritated or show an expression of childish wonder when she thoroughly enjoys a conversation. When she is caught blushing, Yuri uses her tail as a shield to hide from others.

Lore Summary

Yuri's early life wasn't all cupcakes and rainbows, she was one of the prophecized twins belonging to the previous Sun God and Moon Goddess. It was prophecized that twin sons would be born. To everyone's surprise their first child was a son who bore affinity to the sun, but their second child was a daughter who bore an affinity to the moon. Since day one her parents despised her casting her off with a wet nurse to be raised in the smallest corner they could find so they would never have to see the curse that came to them. One would suspect that her so-called parents bestowed the name of "Yuri" to her, but her younger self fell in love with the word "Lilies" and named herself as such. Most of her childhood was spent with her caretaker trying to learn as much as she could to finally impress her parents or even obtain a sliver of their affection unlike her brother, Apries, who was loved by all.

As time went on and she grew older. Yuri sought after her familial bonds less knowing all that awaited for her was more heartbreak, she focused on her studies and how hone her abilities as they each started to awaken. This made the gods begin to stir and come to the conclusion to send her to the realm of the dead with her uncle to learn how to be nothing more than a living weapon at their disposal or whatever they needed her to be seeing no being in her shadow.

Millennial Years (In the Realm of the Dead)

Yuri spent the rest of her youth and a good portion of her teenage years training with her Uncle as a shinigami. This is what the gods wanted a weapon they could use if anybody or anything wanted to step out of line. A weapon with no safety ready to fire at any point. Little did would they come to know this was going to backfire on them. The longer she said in the realm of the dead the more her sanity was lost each day new souls coming through begging for their lives or an ounce of mercy especially the ones so brought in. Her first few missions were the worst being unable to complete them and recieving the consequences of that action, but soon she came to feel nothing completeting job after job reaping each soul with no remorse for how much they were begging and pleading. Her sanity grew smaller to the point whatever was asked of her, she did with no questions feeling nothing. No pain, no more suffering, just a void. She was finally what they wanted an empty void ready to be passed around to do whatever the highest bidder wanted. The downside of keeping her string of sanity so thin was when it came time to snap, she did. The only thing she wanted to do was make the people who say she was nothing more than a dirty stain, a curse feel pain. After what seemed like eons, Yuri left the realm of the dead having earned many so called titles some such as "The grim Reaper" or an "Angel of Death" and many more. The first thing Yuri did when she left was to take off Hoshi and Fenyang, they did nothing, but make her suffer in her youth so she made them suffer in her prime. Both of them cursed the child once again, she didn't care, this tore an even bigger rift between her and Apries. He took nothing from her, but she took everything from him. .

Current Era

In the current era Yuri took over as being Goddess of the Moon while she let Apries take over being God of the Sun, it was her decision not wanting to deal with two celestial bodies. She spends most of her time keeping the night in order finding this keeps her mind clear from all the henious and traumatic thoughts that linger in her mind. Occasional when it deemed necessary Yuri will travel to the human realm always curious of how humanity progresses, it became a passtime when she didn't have to work. If given the chance, Yuri would have offed her predecessors sooner instead of wanting them to see her as what she was born to be their daughter. They were nothing, but annoyances to her during their life and in their death.

Fun Facts




Mother (Predecessor)

From the beginning, Hoshi saw Yuri as nothing, but more than a curse. She despised her so called daughter. If she could have had it her way she would have gotten rid of the child and fooled the gods into believing her passed at birth, but her husband didn't want to be caught and labelled at kinslayers. In Hoshi's final moments, she still cursed the Yuri hoping nothing more than the stain on her bloodline to finally vanish.



Father (Predecessor Sun God)

Fenyang unlike his wife was a coward, he despised Yuri from the beginning, but didn't have the balls to off the child. As Yuri got older, he was the one that sent her off to train with his brother, Shin (God of Death) thinking she might as well become useful for them since he saw her as everything else other than his daughter.



Brother (Current Sun God)

Yuri didn't have any reason to hate her brother the way she loathed her "parents", but she also didn't fully see him as a brother more like a pest. He constantly does whatever he can to annoy Yuri or in some cases off her (He is the reason behind four of Yuri's tails). She always lets Apries get his way because if it came down to brute strength she would outclass him similar to his father, Apries is nothing more than a coward worming his way out of everything or putting it on Yuri.



Uncle (God Of Death)

Unlike most of the god/goddess of their realm who curse and renouce Yuri, Shin has a bit of a softer spot for his niece though he would still through her under the bus if it came to it. Yuri trained with Shin as a shinigami/assassin taking on any and every assignment given to her without question.




Ren came into Yuri's possession when they were a little owlet thrown out from their clan for not wanting to conform with the old way. They say Yuri as a savior from that day they dedicating to assisting her in whatever way they could. Yuri always goes out of her way to tease Ren, at first they hated it, but soon became okay with it because they got to see a more vunerable side of her. Their relationship is purely platonic, Ren sees Yuri as a friend and boss.



Adopted Ghost Son

Leo previously a fox spirit abandoned by his user which led to him becoming a lost soul. Yuri found and adopted him. All she saw was a child wanting nothing more than love and protection which she gladly gave him. When the time came for Shin to find out about this lost soul, he gave Yuri the assignment to exorcise it, but instead her made the deal of giving up her eighth life (This is how she gained her ninth tail) in exchange for giving Leo pardon. He sees Yuri as his mother.