


6 months, 21 days ago


Mageil Warbor
Species: poison dragon host
Family: Benedict (father), Karrius (brother), Iris (niece), Jilly (wife), Drigg (son), Ruby (daughter)

Mageil is the honorable leader of the Zurraith Prison, the chief warden in charge of everything.

Growing up, Mageil and his family merely thought he was chronically ill, as he never cried, never had energy, and spent the majority of his childhood bed bound and dripping foul poison. His family thought it was a magical disease but nobody could diagnose him until one day, his parasite made itself known and Mageil became one of only two known elusive poison hosts. Their government, elated are the prospect, provided Mageil with everything he could ever need, oncluding the poison meals he would be required to eat to keep up with his abilities and energy.

Mageil flourished for the first time in his life. He couldn't shake the scrutiny though, and ran away from home after spending too long as what he described as being a circus animal. A search was put out for his rescue, but he was never found until he'd used up all his reserved energy and found himself alone in a small town. He'd found a man named Jake then, who offered to help find him somewhere to go. Arter talking for weeks, Jake made the decision to offer Mageil a spot on the faculty at the prison he worked at, where he could get all the meals be needed. The government would know where he was, but under Zurraith Prison, his job trumped everything else.

He spent years honing his abilities and is now known as one of the most terrifying wardens to be ruling the prison. Because his parasite is a 3 headed hydra, it often rings loudly in his head, and he resorts to talking to himself, out loud, and to the parasite. His arguments often scare the newly initiated guards as they can be loud, forceful, and often very sudden.

  • as a poison dragon host, Mageil has full control of a poisonous substance he can secrete from his body. If he uses too much, he can often pass out, and very easily slip close to death without quickly replenishing his stores.
  • Mageil can fly and use his wings and tail in battle.
  • Mageil's weapon of choice is a modified scythe. He is wildly proficient with it and carries it with him always