Ruby Harrison



7 months, 1 day ago


A small Kansas town girl from a farming family. She can shift her features into looking more or less dog-like, but the doggirl is her default! It's not always a conscious decision either— her form is often influenced by her emotions.

In general, Ruby is a pretty average teen. She's nice, warm, emotional, positive (but not to a blinding degree), super determined when she wants something, loyal, excitable, hardworking— you know, kind of like a dog. People have not left this fact unpoked at. Others have described Ruby as, while not the most aware, friendly, laid-back, and easy to please. She's the kind of person where standing up for others comes more naturally than doing it for herself. She’s the kind of friend you can trick into self care by convincing her that it’d make you feel better. She has a playfully competitive side! She WILL claw her way to the top!!

She's allergic to most foods that would kill or hurt dogs, like milk and chocolate. She's suffering out here