August Woodward



6 months, 17 days ago


August Woodward

Male (he/him)

August 5th



Bisexual but homophobic but also loves hjis wife

- i dotn fucking know a kangaroo??
"I wish I used a condom"

August fucking sucks

He's an Australian asshole who grew up in Remnant. Personality wise, he's a cocky prick who views himself as a god compared to others due to his narcasissim. He's a piece of shit who pretends to be a good father but is a literal dirtbag. He's a good husvband but he's still a piece of shit and i want him DEAD always. he IS dead so thats good but still. He's confident in himself, balding, and a bottom.

Dumb bitch was born (regretfully)

August was born to a family with his two loving parents and his little sister, Amelie. At the age of 18, he was turned Immortal in a ceremony done by his idol, Deliah Swallowtail. At some point in his life, he had to kill his parents due to them becoming zombies, which forever changed how the man was. He was no longer the dorky teenager who had an obsession with science, but a colder, more calculating man who didn't talk often. He stayed kind to his sister, but he was- fairly shut off after that from most emotions.

Bro somehow got bitches??? Well he was the bitch so ig not. His wife and him had two kids, Dust and the other one. He hates both of those fuckers cause one they caused his wife issues and two they're kinda ugly. He was killed by Dust after Amy tried to fucking murder that kid and was dead for a long ass while before waking up, bullying kids, and finally being murdered by Ashley. He will spend the rest of eternity in hell where he has to pledge to the queen who is alkso there

  • He needs glasses cause he is blind
  • used to play the digereedoo to get his kids to sleep
  • has a profecienecie in eating cigarette butts off of the ihop sidewalk

why does he look like that

  • he is balding so he combs his hair over
  • he has a lot of liver spots
  • kinda buff but also has arthritis and is ugly so :/

People who were unfortunate enough to meet him

Arnold Woodward

Apple was his least favorite. So. He didn't like the kid much and made sure to let him KNOW. August was very much abusive, most of which physical towards the poor kid. Art deserved better.

Dust Woodward

Second least favorite. this one was somehow less gay so. He didn't mind it as much until Dust was old enough to talk because holy shit he hates this kid. He did like to try and pit Ankle and Dust against eachother though.

Estrella Woodward


Demeter Aetos

Fucking terrifying greek dude who beat him to death. That was HORRIFYING. I wish I was auygust holy shit i want demeter so bad it aint healthy

Bee Aetos

stupid fucking loser lol

Finch Swallowtail-Macchia

His mom is scary. August is very much scared of this losers mother.

The Twins

He cant remember their names and hates them both becayse they are mnean and put gum in hsi diguereedoo L:(((

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