


7 months, 9 days ago


Name: Rane Nachtnebel

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Nickname(s): Scar (Lion King XD)

Alias(es): Doberman or Lion

Timeline: Modern Warfare

Rank: 30

Birth Date: 11/18/1991

Death Date: b. 1991

Occupation: Combat engineer

Affiliation(s): Short & direct


Skin Tone: Tan

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Dark & light brown

Hair Length: Shoulder length (at most)

Height: 5”8

Weight: 145lbs

Scars/Marks/Burns:  Left eye(Knife), left side of mouth (mauled by dog when younger), top surgery scars, 3 bullet hole markings on left calf & a deep knife who und scar on right thigh

Tattoos: Full skeletal arm (left arm)

Physical Enhancements: None 

Disability/Disorder: Hyperacusis and hyperosmia


Weapons: Assault rifle, Enfield L85, Explosives & Tactical knife

Preferred Weapon(s): Assault rifle, Enfield L85 & Tactical knife

Agility: 10/10

Hand-to-Hand Combat: 10/10

Long Range Accuracy: 6.5/10

Defense: 9/10

Offense: 10/10

People Skills: 3.5/10