[SPECIES] Catirus



7 months, 14 days ago
Trade Listing


YES You may make your own, just follow the basic appearance traits and add them to the world
Name: Catirus
(cat - cactus - citrus)

Catirus are cat-like in appearance, with thei front being a bulky build and having a small hind body. They have 2 flaps of skin and fur that mimic a giant venus fly trap, these can close and the Catirus tend to do when sleeping or swimming.
They have 2 feelings, 1 on each side of their hips (though it's not uncommon for them to have more). And have 2 small mandibles on their mouth. They have a long tongue which they use to hallow how bone of all the marrow.
With living in the Farn Islands, they are excellent swimmers and have webbed toes.

Catirus are carnivores and usually hunt small animals.
Their feelers let off a sweet floral scent which they use to hide themselves and blend into the flora of the Farn Islands when hunting. They can produce a sweet and sticky sweat on their front paw pads that make prey harder to escape once a Catirus has pounced on its meal. (this same sweat can also be used to waterpoof their fur when swimming) They use their mantible too to cling onto their prey until it stops moving.

Catirus literally are.. just big cats. They love to play with their food as well as loose leaves and sticks. They can be affectionate to bigger and more intelligent species who gain their trust. And yes... they can have zoomies.. and most of the time ends with them falling into water from a cliff.

Similar to that of a snow leopard, maybe a little more.

Catirus produce a litter of on average 4-7 kittens. These kittens are blind and use meows and their sweet scent feelers to find their parents. Most Catirus mate for life, but some will move on if their mating partner dies. Some kittens stick with their parents for a few years, some may leave to create their own colony.

Catirus only reside in the Farn islands, and do hunt the Smalures there as one of their food sources. https://toyhou.se/24390715.baoroni-planet


If you have any questions about the species, feel free to ask in the comments. The questions do help me with worldbuilding too.