


6 months, 24 days ago


Maize the Swordfighter



Name Maize
Name Meaning "Corn"
Aliases Maize the Swordfighter
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Age 26
Sexuality Heterosexual
Species Saiyan
Height 170 cm (5'6")
Weight 55 kg (120 lbs)
Transformations Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan 4
Techniques Ki Blast, Ki Transfer, Energy Beam
Occupation Warrior
Address Earth
Allegiance None

"Am I ruthless warrior or a noble fighter?"


Maize is a Saiyan from a settlement that separated itself from Planet Vegeta since they had different ideals. She was raised under this settlement and trained to become a formidable warrior. Once she came of age, she was required to go through an exam where she would spend months surviving in the forest. One day, Maize was forced to kill one oof the monsters of the forest. Only to find out it was just protecting its offspring. Now having to live with this guilt, Maize took on the responsibility of caring for the baby. She called it Eclipse and they became great allies. A year or two after completing this exam, her planet was attacked by Lord Frieza's forces. They were exterminating the rest of the Saiyans. Maize and Eclipse were lucky enough to escape, fleeing to find sanctuary on Earth with the other surviving Saiyans.


Maize is a polite person, having been taught that respect is an important thing. So she first assumes the best in others. That doesn't make her less aware of danger, knowing when to defend herself. Maize also takes the time to admire the little details. This can be used as a tactic in battle or survival. But it's also just used to admire what goes on around her.

Once you become an ally of Maize, she won't hesitate to show her loyalty to you. She is especially passionate about protecting her close friends and would never abandon them, even if it meant death. If she was going to die in battle, protecting her friends in doing so would be a noble way of perishing. If you ever find yourself as an enemy of Maize: run. While she may be forgiving of your misdeeds, some actions are unforgivable. She knows when to show mercy and when to eradicate the evil.


Maize has typical Saiyan features, such as her black hair and monkey tail. Her hair that's spiky like a Saiyan is also long in length. She has fair skin that's a little pale in color.

Her armor is the color black and purple, the style being reminiscent of old Saiyan armor. Her boots and bracers also share the purple color. She also wears bikini bottoms to allow for flexibility. Other than the typical Saiyan uniform, she also possesses a sword she made herself called The Basilisk. She incorporates this blade in her fighting technique.



Eclipse is a giant lizard with six legs. It is Maize's companion she met during her warrior exam. She raised Eclipse and got to see them become full grown. They became close enough to where Eclipse allows Maize to ride them.


Tartus is another Saiyan Maize met, one who was a biological creation conceptualized and created to be a formidible warrior. She became friends with the Saiyan and began showing him there was more to the world than just power and strength.


Planet Vegeta had been a thriving society for the Saiyans. It seemed like they had an endless amount of strength that made it possible to conquer the world around them. They had multiple settlements on other planets, one of which specialized in the art of fighting. They adopted techniques new to the Saiyan race; it emulated that of the Earth role as a samurai in its technique, morals, and ideals. This settlement eventually separated itself from Planet Vegeta, relocating itself. Inhabitants became refugees of Planet Vegeta, opting to live a more peaceful life.

Maize was a member of this community and was born to it. Her parents, while loving and caring, also held her to high standard. At a young age, she began her battle training in order to be a warrior in their community. They taught her how to fight with honor, consisting of learning to control her emotions in battle, while also knowing how to treat her opponent with deserved respect. However, a Saiyan’s rage was the most difficult to control. And Maize still struggled grasping that weight.

Once Maize came of age, she was required to take an exam to assess her strength. Anyone going through the training of a warrior has to take a test in which they had to survive months in the forest in solitude. This forest, where the air was thin, possessed monsters. How you reacted to the monsters determined what kind of warrior you would become. You could either fight your way through the monsters, become a ruthless but intimidating warrior. Or you could become a gentle but noble warrior, meeting the monsters with kindness and leaving them alone.

When Maize was sent into the forest, she remained in solitude for the first day. But when she awakened the next day, she was attacked by a beast. It was a reptilian creature: a giant lizard with six legs. It was hostile towards Maize, and she was afraid of what it would do to her. So she fought off the monster and killed it. But quickly after doing so, she realized her mistake. Maize had entered its territory and it was simply protecting its baby. How did she know? The offspring of the lizard rounded the corner.

Maize felt terrible now that she had been so quick to act. Why did she react so aggressively? Was she destined to be a ruthless warrior now? That isn’t who she wanted to be; she didn’t believe that’s who she was. So, Maize gave the lizard a respectful burial. Its baby cried over the grave, and Maize was there to comfort them. She wondered if the creature understood what she had done. It felt like maybe it did, but also had an understanding of Maize’s true intentions.

For the rest of the time in the forest, she became well aquatinted with the lizard creature. She even got to experience its growth as it reached its full size in a matter of weeks. She even named the lizard: Eclipse. When it came time for Maize to leave the forest, Eclipse accompanied her. They were now companions.

Everyone was stunned when Maize returned riding on the back of Eclipse. That species of monster was notoriously aggressive and no one had ever domesticated one before. Maize was now the first and had gained a very powerful ally. It was more than enough for her to pass the exam, officially initiating her as a Saiyan Warrior. As a reward and a symbol of completion, Maize forged her own weapon. She created a blade to wield, calling it The Basilisk.

A year or two after that, her planet was suddenly attacked by the forces of Lord Frieza. They had only recently found out about the existence of this Saiyan community and aimed to exterminate it. Maize and the others had just found out that Planet Vegeta had been wiped out. The planet was first bombarded with Frieza’s army. They wanted to see if the planet would succumb easily so they could use its resources. Maize joined this battle and attempted to push them back. She soon found out that her parents succumbed to the onslaught and perished. This fueled her rage and transformed her into the golden-haired Super Saiyan.

Although she became very strong against Frieza’s forces, they had seen a Super Saiyan before. And it wasn’t enough to save everyone else. With hope slowly diminishing, Maize decided she had to flee, along with Eclipse. Very few others fled as well. For good measure, Frieza obliterated the planet and exterminated everyone who was left on it. Maize escaped on her parent’s old ship, and Eclipse came along for the ride. Her space travels soon brought her to a planet called Earth. She would go there to hopefully find sanctuary. Especially after finding out other Saiyans who survived the attack lived there.


The sword she made, The Basilisk, was named after the serpent of the same name. The "King of Snakes" is fabled to also have a lizard-like form with legs. It's similar to her companion Eclipse, who helped her in the exam.