
10 months, 2 days ago


A cool and calculating rabbit who uses his wits more than anything else. He is very distant and quiet, but has no problem speaking up when he needs to deceive someone. While he is excellent at keeping his nerve, he is a coward at heart.

At the battle at Watership Down Sovite decided to take a cautious approach. While he took part in the battle on the first day, on the second he decided to hold back and sneak off to observe the battle. The other Darkhaven rabbits were much too preoccupied preparing for the oncoming battle to notice. He sensed the Watership Down rabbits had great spirit and drive to protect the place and life that they loved. He knew Darkhaven would almost certainly win, but knew it was foolish to risk himself when he could simply watch and stay safe.

The plan was to join the battle when it was clearly near the end. With Darkhaven finally overpowering the warren, and pretend he had been there the whole time. But that of course never happened. 

After he overcome his disbelief, he returned to Darkhaven and told the whole story of what happened to the remaining young rabbits. Of course, in his version he made himself out to be a mighty hero, who fought many a rabbit and barely escaping with his life.

Granite has suspicions about Sovite. He saw Vervain running away like himself at the end, and no other rabbit. He's pretty sure Sovite is lying, but as he is in no fit state to be picking fights he keeps silent. Sovite knows that any power or influence he holds will be tarnished if anyone ever found out the truth, and even his life would be put at risk.