
7 months, 21 hours ago


An "escaped" hutch rabbit, though not by her own choosing. Her human home was destroyed by a fire, so she had no other option but to escape and run, along with her fellow hutch rabbits. The other hutch rabbits either died in the fire or were picked off by Elil not long after escaping, but Willow stumbled upon Cowlslip's warren where she was welcomed with open arms.

She discovered the truth about the warren a few days after joining, but realised she would have no where else to go if she left and would likely be killed. She had no choice but to stay.

Nowadays she is incredibly jaded, spoilt, vain and enjoys all the comforts of the warren while caring nothing for the rabbits who do get caught. Once upon a time maybe she might have been horrified by this, but after the traumatic experience of her home burning down and watching her fellow hutch rabbits perish before her eyes she has become cold and unfeeling.  Any compassion that does break it's way through is squashed down by her endless mental brainwashing that there is nothing she can do, and if others aren't killed she will be instead.