


8 years, 6 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$15 - $35


Payment plans, points and art are acceptable


       On September 24th, In a peaceful home in Verdanturf, an excited father and mother prepared themselves to welcome their unexpected baby Shinx into their little family. This small family had previously only been them and their eleven year old adopted Jolteon daughter, Tesla, and they were ready to add another to their brood after having believed they would never be able to conceive. The expectant family didn't think the day of Juno's birth could be any more wondrous than the simple wonder of new life being brought forth into the world, they were wrong. As the little pokemon made her way into the world her family was taken aback in the most marvelous way as she emerged an astonishing golden yellow and black instead of the expected blue. The small bunch was nearly overwhelmed with their joy and pride of their newest family member, not only did they get a new young daughter they had been told they could never have but she turned out to be shiny as well!

       As Juno began to grow and turned two, and got past the stage where she needed constant supervision, her mother decided she would be able to go back to work and aid in helping her husband provide for the family. This decision, however, meant young Juno would be left in the car of her now twelve year old sister. Yes, Tesla was young, but she was mature beyond her years and quite a capable young Jolteon so her parents trusted her to care for little Juno. Juno and Tesla's father Isaac, a stern Luxray, was a business man who had to travel frequently due to his work related endeavors. Their mother Valerie, a creative Luxio, was a traveling saleswoman of fashionable items, gone often but always coming back from her travels with gifts from the places she visited for her girls. As Juno grew up she was always told by her family how special she was due to her different coloration, even when her parents would have only a little bit of time left before they each had to travel again they would always mention how special and unique their little girl was. The presents and flattery a small consolation for having to be without her parents. 
   Juno noticed her difference from even the other shinx she would see toddling around. All her young life Juno had been called special due to her different coloring. now this difference, added with the fact that she was and still is quite a small shinx, caused to Juno feel somewhat distanced from the other kids. the other shinx especially. But, she found solace in flora. Ever since she was old enough to toddle into the garden Juno held a deep love and respect for nature, flowers especially. Her parents, knowing this fact about her, would always bring Juno home a different flower from their travels. Her collection was ever growing. 
   As Juno was left more and more in the care of Tesla she began to notice things, such as how her sister seemed rather different from herself and their parents, and not just with her electric and fiery demeanor. Now, Juno wouldn't have brought it up were it not for an occurrence with some other children one day when she was in the playground behind the school she and Tesla attended. She had gone over away from Tesla to see the other children, prompted by her sister who was always trying to get Juno to go out of her comfort zone and meet people. However, once she got near to these children she heard them, she wasn't close enough to hear it all but she could pick up bits and pieces..

"Not even her real sister"
"She probably doesn't even know"
"Must be some reason her real family didn't want her"
"how dumb do ya haf t'be not to see it though"

   Juno was stopped dead, sure she was young, but she was not stupid. She could piece together what was going on and even though some of it confused her she knew none of it was positive. In her youthful naivety Juno was unaware of certain things, adoption being one of them, leading her to follow her curiosity and train of thought to vocalizing her question as to why her beloved older sister was so very different from herself, once they arrived home. Tesla, to her credit, was neither shy nor ashamed of her being adopted (a good thing since she shouldn't have to feel that way) and enlightened her younger sibling as to how she was brought into the family. Captivating Juno with the tale and Juno, due to her youth one could assume, accepted it easily as if she had simply been told they would be going out to the store or something of the like. 
   This event only brought the sister closer together and strengthened their bond. 
       You'd think growing up with only your sister to care for you, with the exception of her parents sometimes being back but busy never the less, would sadden you in a way. But, Juno took it with stride and allowed herself to find happiness in nature and in her older sister. Her relationship with Tesla was a strong one, and even though Tesla would be prone to teasing Juno and would often serve up some tough love, Juno valued Tesla and held her in the highest esteem. Even when Tesla would occasionally pick on and tease her Juno came to see it as what it was, Tesla's way of showing her affection and love for her younger sibling, and loved her no matter the difference between Tesla and the rest of them. This bond was what prompted some very strong negative emotions for Juno once she hit the age of five. 

     Around 6 years of age and having only ever have had her sister as the one constant in her life it was only to be expected that Tesla leaving would crush the young electric type. Tesla had been telling the young shinx her plans to leave the house and go it on her own for a while but that didn't make her leaving any less painful for Juno. Juno would have spiraled into her sadness were it not for her love of nature. She immersed herself in gardening to pass the time away from her beloved sister, learning which seeds worked best with which soils and how to properly water and care for your plants. She spent her time reading any books on botany she could find, her parents often bringing home books on flowers and plants for her from their travels, spending all her time either working in her garden or exploring whatever bits of nature she could.
   This intense love of all things environmental led Juno to the local community garden on her way home from school, she enjoyed the walk through nature to relax after a day of classes. Juno was enthralled, in this garden were flowers and plants she had never seen aside from in books, and even some she didn't know existed! she was unable to stay long as she had to get home before curfew but that night she was unable to contain her excitement as she told her parents, who luckily had some time home,  all about the wondrous garden and its beauty. Begging, pleading, to be allowed to go after school. Juno's parent's relented since she was such a good student, but mostly because they hoped it would help her with Tesla being gone. So it went each day she would go right from school to the garden to help out and look around. It was here at the garden she met Axel, and elderly slowking. Juno was in awe of Axel's immense knowledge, which he noticed after a few days of a small shinx peeking at him around corners. They began to talk and soon grew close, Axel seeing the bright spark of curiosity and intelligence within the young lady. Around 8 years old Juno and Axel were thick as thieves. Around this time Axel began to tell Juno about the school he attended that helped him learn so many amazing botany related things. This school was for 7th graders and up and though it wasnt strictly a school for flora and fauna there were various courses that focused on botany and environmental sciences. Juno begged and pleaded with her parents, coming home each day and dropping hints about this incredible school. After looking more into Juno and her parents discovered the school was very close to their beloved Tesla's new home! So finally after a long time of thought and planning Juno's parents decided upon an agreement. If Juno was able to keep up her grades in school and was still convinced that this was what she wanted, they would send her to live with Tesla so she could attend the school once she turned 10. Overjoyed and with a happy heart Juno explained this and her dreams of being a florist to Axel, who encouraged and helped her stick to her plan.
   Finally! She had worked hard, focused herself fully, and dedicated herself to achieving the goal her and her parents set. With the help of Axel she was able to keep her grades up and he ambitions set and now was the time she had been dreaming of. She was finally able to move to live with Tesla and attend what she called her Dream School. And just like her flowers this was her chance to bloom.



normal_by_qarology-d9dour3.gifHeadbutt  l electric_by_qarology-d9douwq.gifThunder Fang
ice_by_qarology-d9douvp.gif Ice Fang   lfire_by_qarology-d9douvw.gifFire Fang


- Favorite Color: Red
- Favorite Berry: Sweet
- Favorite Style: Casual and Sweet
- Hangout Area: Homemade Garden
- Enjoys: Being Around Flowers and watering flowers in her garden
- School: Border School, learns the history of any flower
- Living With; Her Sister Tesla since her late pre-teens