


6 months, 21 days ago


Info: Lale - female - 22 - L

Story: (Uriel's pov) ... I won't forget that night ... Maybe I was tired and the whole thing was exaggerated in my head. Maybe the feelings were mutual. The wind was cold that night. The streetlights illuminated your face. I'll never forget the look on your face. I wanted to kiss you so bad. It was like a scene from a movie, the closeness, the lights, the time of night. I would've killed to go back to your place. Yet we left and didn't say a word. We walked our separate ways home and kept our feelings to ourselves. 

Lale's thoughts on Uriel: She's cool I guess. She's just a friend. We chat sometimes about class and our similar interests. I never really know what direction she'll take a conversation or what she'll say next. She can be intense sometimes, as in, passionate about her hobbies. I met her near the middle of our college years. She always has my back and we have had good times together at her house surrounded by friends.