Doodle "Doug" Blue



6 months, 27 days ago


Name: Doodle "Doug" Blue

Birthday: 11/24

Species: Sapphire Rooster x Cockatrice Raider 

Catchphrase: "Doo"

Quote: "Cocka-freaking doodle doo"

Height: 5'5"

Age: 42 years old

Tracker: Link


Reflective surfaces- Cockatrices are weak to their own stare, and if Doug stares at himself in a reflective surface, such as a puddle or mirror, then he will petrify himself into stone.

Light- This is Doug's greatest weakness in that bright lights such as that from the sun pains him. If he stands in the sun for more than a few minutes without cover the skin of his tail will begin to blister with sun burns and his feathers begin to crisp and curl at the ends. Because of this he tends to only leave his shop at night under the light of the moon/stars while spending his days in the dim light of only a few light bulbs. 

Touch- Though he does not enjoy the feeling to touching his feathers when someone touches his skin it leave a lingering feeling on his flesh for a few moments afterwards. This is why he hates when people touch him particularly his tail which has no feathers to protect his skin from touch. 

Sound- He only has a mild weakness to sound as he is slightly pained by large levels of noise such as groups of people talking together/over one another. If multiple people are talking at once he is quick to get a headache and become more hostile to conversation than he normally is. 


Petrifying Gaze- A cockatrice is known for its ability to be able to turn animals, mythical creatures, and raiders alike to stole with just one glare. He is able to harness this ability to turn any living creature that looks him in the eye to stone. Because of this he does not like looking creatures in the eye too often.  

Prehensile tail- A cockatrice's tail is known to be able to constrict enemies, though Doug tends to use this ability as another way to hold tools of the trade in while stone carving. 

Seismic Sense- Cockatrice's are able to sense vibrations in the ground. Doug often uses this ability to sense whether or not someone is coming towards him. 

Matter Ingestion- Cockatrice's are able to ingest and digest any substance without repercussions. 

Shapeshifting- Doug has the ability to shapeshift from raider form to his "old" form, shadow form, and pure raider form. Though as of now he does not have the capability to do this. He does not know that he is able to shift/how due to being newly turned (11/20/23)

Character Type(s): Cranky

- Reserved- He does not talk much about his personal life, and is rarely happy to talk about anything. He tends to keep to himself and is more than happy to be left alone with his work. 

- Stoic- It is hard to make this man smile, he is not one that finds joy easily and tends to keep a stoic face that goes along with a stoic nature. He is the master at "Try not to laugh" games. 

- Creative- He loves making his ideas and thoughts come to life in a real form. Each piece that he creates has a piece of himself in it, part of his soul given away for each thing he creates and sells. He puts all he has into making the best quality merchandise for his customers. 


Not much is known about the time before Doug arrived at Lilypad but he came at a young age with only a bag full of a few pieces of bread and a dream of a new future. He grew up in a family of bread makers. They loved their craft and it was the passion of the family but, Doug was not good at baking. Anything he tried to bake seemed to burn once almost setting the entire building on fire. He was quickly shunned from the kitchen but still wished to prove his worth in the family. Doug found building to be his strong suit, he loved playing with small building blocks and making dirt pies for his family as it was the only thing he could "bake".

As he grew older Doug explored his passion of stonework and construction and soon decided to start his own business apart from the family. As an ambitious teen he travelled to Lilypad in hopes of starting his own business. Sadly for years he found himself unable to found his business without the financial support of his family. He worked hard as a bartender, trashman, and a few other odd jobs before he found a small job in construction building houses and buildings for the town on commission. After raising up enough money he moved into a small building in Lilypad and claimed it as his own shop. In this shop he carved small sculptures out of stone, made gargoyles to watch over houses and scare off raiders, and pillars to decorate your front room. Alongside these things he made a host of other stone creations and honed in on his craft. Soon he gained a small following of villagers from Lilypad as well as enough funds income and outpouring for materials that he could live comfortably in a small apartment above his shop.

One evening after his shop had closed for the night and he had finished a cup of coffee from a local cafe he decided to relax while watching people wander down the streets. Some were off from their jobs for the evening while others were on a stroll down the street laughing and giggling about events to occur later in the night. A tall dog walked down the street and upon his head was a space helmet. In his hands he held a plain white cup sprinkled in various color confetti. The man stopped in front of his table looking down at him before announcing to the rooster "You seem kind of thirsty, I got this hot cocoa as a gift! Though I don't need a drink right now so this is for you!" The man set down the cup before Doug and smiled asking to sit with him. Though Doug was unsure about the entire situation, why not? The two talked for a small while before Doug took a small sip from the cup of "hot cocoa". It tasted bitter as the dark liquid slid down his throat. He gagged a little bit slamming the cup down on the table "What in the heck is this crap? It tastes like dog crap!" He howled at the dog causing him to shrink down in his seat "He said it was gourmet hot cocoa. I'm so sorry it tastes bad." After a few more minutes of conversation Doug excused himself from the conversation before heading home. His stomach writhed the entire night his body feelings as though it were turning itself inside out in pain. As the next morning arrived, he was a raider. 

Extra Facts: 
-He is a stoneworker and often makes materials for buildings and carves elaborate statue with the use of various tools.

-Secretly has a soft spot for children, as with no major relationships in his life he sometimes gets lonely and longs for the relationship of having kin to call his own.