

7 months, 7 days ago


Pasternak Vladimir Fyodorovich; codename: Stryker. male, 22 years old, 173 cm tall

A military veteran and current newest member of the Suicide Commando squad. Got caught up in a sudden wave of mandatory military service while ironically enough fleeing from the same thing in his home country. Due to some complications ended up in the UK division despite his actual nationality and documents. Transferred to the SC after completing his one year of service and being a compatible subject for PROJECT HELA. After some unethical experiments against his will, he is now cursed with nigh immortality and forced to serve in the SC along with some other freaks

Not particularly happy to be here and is intimidated by some of the other members of the squad, however he's managed to get along with them somewhat nicely so far. Certified moron that gets himself into trouble constantly, however redeems himself by ironically enough being quick witted enough to get himself out of predicaments and complete whatever mission he was tasked with

Enjoys messing with and provoking other people, whether it be in form of pranks or banter. Is starting to make use of his newfound immortality to avoid most consequences of his actions

Both energetic and laid back, his mood shifts pretty quickly, and he almost never stays in low spirits for very long

voice <- not sure abt this but its the closest to how he sounds in my head