Anubis [Dainty]



5 years, 11 months ago


CS by pajuxi, design by me c: (base by chizuny on dA for the ref!)

MYO #1577


25 years old

He unofficially adopted Lorelei, when he found her at his doorstep one day, and he loves her like a sister.

He met his host Ezekiel few months later, and accepted to move in with him and his friends Lazarus and Atem shorlty after, as they offered to help taking care of Lorelei.

He works part time as a waiter, and part time as an exotic dancer (which is how he met Ezekiel)

He makes a show of failing miserably in the kitchen to ensure that he will not have to cook nor bake anymore, as he hates it and would much rather be fed by his host. Or his friends. He's not (too) picky.

He is quite sassy and sarcastic, but also really warm and caring to the people living with him.