Cat (⤷ Thrasher X Cat)



4 years, 1 month ago


Gender Female
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday July 10th
Star Sign Cancer
Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Birthday March 21st
Star Sign Aries
Height Difference
11 inches

Age Difference
1 year

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car
Can't drive
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has more relationship experience
Has no relationship experience
How they met

Cat and Thrasher met at a local bar downtown in their city. Cat rarely visited bars but prior to the day they met, she had just moved to a new city and felt like she needed a break from unpacking everything in her new apartment. She sat at the bar by herself with a glass of water and listened to the faint music and drunken voices in the background. All was peaceful until Thrasher sat two seats away from Cat at the bar. Clearly wasted, he protested for another drink and hadn't even noticed Cat until she went to drink her water. She finally caught his eye and he began to ramble words that were incorherent. Cat thought it would be best to ignore him but he continued on and on before he began to comment on her appearance. She finally looked over at him to ask if she could help him with something. He made a snarky response that only made Cat's eyes roll. They bantered back and forth for a few minutes before Cat felt herself getting tired from the conversation. Once Thrasher got his last drink, he stayed quiet for a little while before continuing to ramble some more. This time his words were more corherent and clear. Cat listened to him speak about the negative parts of working for their local police department; how corrupted it was and how low staffed they were. He suddenly looked tired of being drunk after venting openly to a stranger. Cat almost felt a sense of relief for a moment that he stopped talking before she noticed him reaching into his back pocket. He pulled out his wallet to pay the bartender but had also slid a business card over to Cat. Thrasher made a joke about joining the police department to ease the workload for him. After that, he left the bar and it was back to being peaceful. Little did Thrasher know that Cat was looking for a job during that time and six months later he would be her RTO after she graduated the academy.

Their Relationship

Sed non orci vestibulum, dapibus tortor sit amet, tempor lectus. Duis tempus augue nec nibh ultrices dignissim. Aliquam eget urna nec lorem pretium mattis non nec odio. Praesent id auctor nulla. Integer lectus odio, ultrices non mauris nec, cursus lobortis justo. Phasellus quis tincidunt velit, sed placerat ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras non orci elit.

Donec et bibendum arcu. Duis in volutpat tellus, eu tincidunt lectus. Proin tempor enim sed porttitor maximus. Praesent sodales in sapien id vestibulum. Proin vitae nibh consequat, hendrerit purus sit amet, ultricies odio. Ut sit amet quam ut eros facilisis tincidunt. Donec a lacinia mauris. Ut vitae placerat risus.

How Cat feels

Cat doesn't show it often but she appreciates Thrasher. When there was a time she was in need, he was there to support her in any way he could. Even before they started dating, he offered to help to ease her life stresses outside of work. She also enjoys his company. There is a comfort to it that she can't quite describe even if she could. Although she sometimes finds discomfort in physical touch, she enjoys that he is able to express his love to her in other ways. Cat finds peace knowing he is patient and does not shame her from being different from other people. Most importantly that he doesn't shame her for her past wrongdoings. Her favorite aspects of him is his exceptional story telling skills. She could lay down for hours just listening to him talk about anything while making her laugh.

How Thrasher feels

When Thrasher looks at Cat, he cannot help but to stare. While this sometimes makes her feel uncomfortable and akward, he reminds her how beautiful she looks to him. His love language is physical touch, quality time, and acts of service. He often shows his love for her through affection by constantly hugging and kissing her. He loves to stand behind her while she is getting ready for one of their dates and admire her. Sometimes he works up the courage to hold her by her hips and kiss her. He knows she can sometimes be uncomfortable with physical touch so he often shows his love through his cooking. Knowing she has a sweet tooth, he loves to bake her cookies, brownies, and conchas. He is patient and intentionally thoughtful when giving gifts to her. He will remember certain interests she mentions and will surprise her with them either on special occassions or on random days when he feels like showing his appreciation for her.


  • They both work as police officers at their local police department. Thrasher was Cat's RTO when she was fresh out of the academy and a year later, they became partners.
  • Despite working at the same job with the same long shifts together, they make sure to ignore the news on their days off and soak up their time together as a couple.
  • Cat and Thrasher like to spend their nights in their backyard smoking cigars and playing card games. Cat usually wins at the card games they play (Cribbage and Speed) but Thrasher is doing his best to learn how to beat her.
  • Thrasher does all of the cooking. On special occassions such as their anniversary or birthday, he will surprise her with breakfast in bed. Or when she isn't feeling well he will make her comfort meals.
  • When Thrasher's hair is all grown out, Cat likes to run her paw through his hair and play with it until he falls asleep in her arms.
  • When Thrasher is on long trips away from home, Cat likes to wear one of his shirts or jackets for comfort.