Casael's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

silket Global Rules


1. please maintain credit to me for the design

2. once a design is yours, you are free to do what you like with it. you may redesign, make whatever kind of art you want, trade/sell/gift, and so on. i do request that you not alter certain marginalized characteristics - for example, please do not lighten a character's skin.

3. i ask as a courtesy that you do not sell the design for more than you bought it for, unless additional art is added. this is not enforceable, i would just prefer that you follow this rule.

4. i cannot and will not take back designs, even if you break one of these rules. if something super egregious is done, i MAY create a blacklist, but i don't see that happening ^_^

5. i prefer that you do not edit my art in major ways, but minor edits are fine (i.e changing the color of the eyes, color shifting the whole image or parts of the image, overlays and cropping, etc are all fine).

6. by default my designs are not available for commercial use. if you are interested in commercial use, please contact me to work something out before purchasing anything from me!

7. note: these rules do not override species rules! if i have designed a character who is a part of a species, please follow their rules on trade/resell, redesigning, and so forth.