
10 months, 9 days ago


Originally hatched from an egg in a Kobold colony. Kav had16 siblings. He always felt different from the other kobolds and wanted to leave the colony and see the world. He left in the night in secret, worried about running into old colony members explored and ran into bestie Kitty, who felt bad for him and took him on as a ranch hand. He ranched with Kitty for 1 year, learned the ropes and loved it. Kitty heard the cows getting restless one morning and told him to stay behind, she came upon a group of cattle rustlers and in their surprise they killed her and ran off. Kav hearing gunshots ran outside and found Kitty lying dead in the pasture. He swore revenge on the rustlers and has been hunting them ever since, for almost 2 years now, adventuring on the side to pay the bills. During one of his adventures, he almost died in the desert alone, but was blessed by the archfey of music, Dolly Parton with renewed life in exchange for a pledge to spread country western music across the world. He plays the harmonica, and is chaotic good, the only crime he recognizes as bad is cattle rustling. He met the current party when traveling with a caravan, they have become very close friends and formed a union called the workers onion. He is fiercely loyal to them and would do nearly anything to keep them safe (except rustle cattle).

Kav wears a blue cloak and large hat, both of which cover most of his features. His arcane focus is a set of two 6 shooters that belonged to kitty. They have engraving on the barrel and handle of desert floral motifs. his eyes normally are the only thing peeking out from under his hat and cloak, but when he does smile, his sharp teeth are also visible.