Tira Misu



7 months, 2 days ago


Tira is such a precious character to me... She is seemingly a side character but without spoiling too much... she's more important than she initially seems... 

Age: Early 20s

Wild Magic Lore: A large, prosperous kingdom like Altairia, with its plentiful noble avian society, must of course have all the luxuries such high class individuals deserve. This abundance must also come with the need of casting off any leftover or used up luxuries that have worn beyond the nobles' aesthetic tastes! And where should these gently used but still very useful items go? The garbage dump of course! Even the great kingdom of Altairia's junkyard is a wondrous sight to see on its own, despite being the unwanted castoffs of the upper class's riches. Old clothes, damaged armor, mildly stained furniture, malfunctioning luxury devices, and even mana crystals that have lost their charge... The nobility's constant demand for newer and shinier luxuries means that plenty gets swept away to this somewhat hazardous and rusty wonderland. Out of sight, out of mind! While some of the more... common riff-raff have taken to scavenging the junkyard, most are shoo'd away by the royal guard as the grounds are still considered noble property. 

However, even those who have successfully infiltrated the junkyard have reported seeing strange unnatural creatures scurrying about the refuse... small clicking, whirring beings that dart out of sight before anyone can get a good look. Even the occasional royal guard patrol has begun making these absurd claims. While most of the populace dismisses these stories as simply the mischievous workings of lost fae, a few commoner children have told outlandish stories of having directly interacted with these unusual creatures! Misshapen metallic animals, living toys, playing with the children as if they were real living pets... And who's voice is it that accompanies these creatures? The children say a girl's voice hums to and praises the toys as they work, and has even attempted speaking to them through the toys. Seeing how no adult has ever laid eyes on any such nonsense, it's easily seen as just more commoner folklore.

What no one knows, however, is just how deep the tunnels beneath the junkyard go... How a busy workshop exists out of sight, filled with rekindled mana crystals and recycled appliances! A playground of sound, lights, toys and laughter! The home of one peculiar girl with a unique mind for creation and endless materials to work with! With her growing family of critters and gizmos to keep her company, this timid goat is at her happiest hidden away from the dangers of the world... happy to play with her creations!