


5 years, 9 months ago


We Ferren were made from the left over wisps of magic that created the portal that keeps us connected to the outside world. The reason why the portal was made is because, a long time ago there was a creature that wanted a whole world to himself, So they created the portal and the world that we live in. But after being found out by others, it soon turned violent. With people threating them if they wouldn't hand over the portal. They fought with the others that wanted the portal, eventally they faded away, only leaving whisps of magic behind. That created us.

The reason why we are still being born is because the creator of the portal left behind a Massive crystal behind, and in that crystal contained creation magic. While they were still alive they wanted somebody(s) that would "help" them, It was basically programed to create us, So that's why we're here today.