
6 months, 8 days ago


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19 years
178cm / 5'10" ft
Cis Male (He / Him)
Rogue/Warlock multiclass

Design Notes

Note about your character. You can make it shorter or longer, it's up to you.

Note about your character. You can make it shorter or longer, it's up to you.

Note about your character. You can make it shorter or longer, it's up to you.


Strawberry shortcake

The Raven Queen

His moms

Short text


Short text

Short text

Short text

Short text

Greatest Strength

Vestibulum scelerisque elit vitae facilisis pretium. Integer et augue neque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Greatest Weakness

Vestibulum scelerisque elit vitae facilisis pretium. Integer et augue neque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Lv. 5 Rogue Lv. 6 Warlock
Lawful Neutral
Proficiency one
Proficiency two

Skill name

Duis sed orci sit amet nisl fringilla ultrices. Mauris aliquet condimentum elit tristique fermentum. Pellentesque pellentesque arcu sem, at posuere lorem auctor id.

Skill name

Duis sed orci sit amet nisl fringilla ultrices. Mauris aliquet condimentum elit tristique fermentum. Pellentesque pellentesque arcu sem, at posuere lorem auctor id.

Skill name

Duis sed orci sit amet nisl fringilla ultrices. Mauris aliquet condimentum elit tristique fermentum. Pellentesque pellentesque arcu sem, at posuere lorem auctor id.

Positive Traits

Donec in vulputate libero. Nullam posuere tortor arcu. Pellentesque non consequat ipsum. Vivamus at arcu nec leo vehicula dignissim. Aliquam posuere urna ut sem luctus rhoncus. Aenean ut sollicitudin sem. Maecenas in viverra mi. Mauris commodo nulla dolor, eget varius elit scelerisque at.

Neutral Traits

Donec in vulputate libero. Nullam posuere tortor arcu. Pellentesque non consequat ipsum. Vivamus at arcu nec leo vehicula dignissim. Aliquam posuere urna ut sem luctus rhoncus. Aenean ut sollicitudin sem. Maecenas in viverra mi. Mauris commodo nulla dolor, eget varius elit scelerisque at.

Negative Traits

Donec in vulputate libero. Nullam posuere tortor arcu. Pellentesque non consequat ipsum. Vivamus at arcu nec leo vehicula dignissim. Aliquam posuere urna ut sem luctus rhoncus. Aenean ut sollicitudin sem. Maecenas in viverra mi. Mauris commodo nulla dolor, eget varius elit scelerisque at.


Others' Perception


How do the character's loved ones see them? Keep this description short for the sake of both your profile's appearance and my sanity.


How do strangers see them? Keep this description short for the sake of both your profile's appearance and my sanity.


How do their enemies see them? Keep this description short for the sake of both your profile's appearance and my sanity.


blah blah blah lorum ipsum somthing something placeholder text ill actually write out a backstory here

blah blah blah lorum ipsum somthing something

The 6 Valiant Warriors of Struq’nd

There once were 2 people, –Crow a tiefling, and Rick a human– brought together by a mutual want to join the No Good Guild, they traveled up a mountain in silence to meet their contact, only to get caught by police. In prison they met an odd elf named Miku who helped them escape to Clearfair, only to disappear mysteriously. The 2 remaining met a skeletal baby dragon who longed for his mother. Upon hearing the story, Crow immediately decided to help, and so they set off to the faraway Partawa Island. After a long night of flying the baby dragon suddenly got damaged, so they had to make a quick landing into the jungle. While Crow and Ric set up their campsite, a strange half elf cleric snuck up on them. After adding her to the party they encountered a group in the jungle filled with a group of people all with the first name “anime.” Rick one by one murdered these people untill only Anime Girl was left. Anime Girl eventually left them in the jungle. Also this is where the mimic obsession started. As they made their way out the forest they encountered an interesting small village called “Karen Town.” After an epic fight with the mayor of the town “Karen,” they took control of the town and renamed it “Walmart.”

They chased Karen and eventually apprehended her and tied her to their carriage, before they left they were ambushed by a spy named Ara from Syllin’s past. They tortured her untill she agreed to tell them where Syllin’s cat was. As the party traveled to a small town called Blackpoint, Anime Girl tried to rejoin their party however Rick tried to murder her. Upon almost getting murdered by Rick, she left in a blaze of rage(literally) and they arrived in Blackpoint. The town had an unsettling mist around it, but they went in. Suddenly a childlike laugh emanated from all over and undead creatures started appearing in the air around them. A swift battle commenced, as the party defeated the creatures. They went to the bar afterward where they met(and killed) an eccentric barkeep, to go down the secret entrance in the back. This led to a secret base with a hologram that crumbled around them.

You can make these quotes longer if you wish This box doesn't scroll, however.

They then crossed the sea and got a gig carrying a letter across the island to the main city of Bayfall. After a brief stint in jail, they started their journey and followed a trail of skeletons leading to a graveyard. As they went inside, they met a half dragonborn Akira, and her mother. Suddenly childish laughter was heard all around them and they had to battle their way out. They found the dragon’s mother and so they tearfully parted ways. Continuing on their journey they met up with Miku again who had supposedly been kidnapped. They delivered and stole the letter and decided to go to Akira’s hometown of Snowbell. A young adult white dragon suddenly attacked and captured Rick before they valiantly saved him. On their way back to the mainland they decided to stop in the forest, and found a peculiar snowy village filled to the brim with tiny elves eating strange meat. A man named Santa led them to his office and ambushed them. Rick fought bravely and in a rare moment of selflessness, saved Crow before being murdered by Santa.

They flew back to the mainland on a quest for Syllin’s cat and took a shortcut to a bustling oasis in the desert called Aurinne. A young human monk named Shifty made a begrudging alliance with them. Eventually, through a grueling trip through the desert, they arrived at a small town with a large metal box that had a large spider on it. A young lady came up to them and claimed to have escaped from the spy base there. So they devised a plan to bomb and invade the base. A successful base infiltration occurred and they met a huge spider lady named Lady D. Crow had a revelation that this lady was his aunt, so Syllin broke her curse and returned her to her natural human state.

Last tab!

The party met Miku’s boyfriend, a half elf named Mak. and then decided to go to Syllins hometown. After raiding Syllin’s father’s estate, they nearly got kidnapped by the 3 Hearts of Peace, a performing group. They captured one of these hearts and demanded she take them to the place she was gonna sell them to. Shifty parted ways with them here. And so, they traveled to a place called Corvid Hallow, Crow’s hometown. As they arrived a lady who ended up being Crow’s mom appeared and told them to come with her. Along the way, Crow’s other mom appeared and told the rest that his first mom was a zombie. They joined a revolutionary group called the resistance in a hope to get Crow’s mom back. A letter came for them inviting them for a dinner with “The Mr.” They had a tense dinner that escalated with Syllin killing Crow’s mother, and The Mr. almost brainwashing Crow. When they went back her body was gone, and zombies started invading Corvid Hallow! Sensing danger, they hiking through the snow and found The Mr. and Crow’s mother with a purple crystal. Crow tried to take the crystal however he got shot into the past, the day he met the Raven Queen. Miku and Syllin fell to this same fate. Akira seeing this grabbed the crystal with cloth and murdered The Mr.

They held a solemn burial and went back to Clearfair, Miku’s hometown. Miku gathered the courage and decided to confront their parents. However, once they arrived, their parent’s didn’t recognize them. In a state of panic Miku left and Akira stole Miku’s sibling. As they made their way to town center, an ancient white dragon descended on the circus. The party bravely fought it off, but Crow was slaughtered. Fortunately Syllin revived him, and they ran off into the forest to kill it. After a terse battle, they went back to town and found the whole town looking for Miku. Miku confronted their mother in town, however the whole town felt a tug on their soul and many died. Miku found out the Circus stole their soul and traded it with the other circuses in the area. They traveled to Dawndenn Circus and found out they had 3 weeks left, as well as a piece of their soul. Miku named this piece “Blur” and then killed it. This yielded the memories of where their soul was held, and after a miraculous calling from Syllin’s god they found the town where it was and traveled there. They discovered the ringmaster was a vampire named Ms. Carolinaand after a close call they regrouped and trapped her in the sun. AS they went to collect Miku’s soul, it manifested into the little boy’s true form The Laughing Skull. In a desperate move, Syllin banished it and all was over.

How good is this character at making friends? Where are most of their acquaintances from? Have they made a lot of enemies anywhere? Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor.

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