carter ♡



5 years, 9 months ago




carter dixon


twenty three


Race: caucasian english
Occupation: undecided
Skin: fair
Hair: sandy blonde
Eyes: blue
Build: lanky
Home: england, uk
Theme: artist - song


  • aviation
  • roses
  • dogs
  • sketching


  • loud bangs
  • social interaction
  • early mornings
  • the ocean


Born in the middle of England, he never truly had the chance to speak his mind. Being continually hushed by others around him growing up, Carter grew to be someone who is behind the curtains - almost always refraining from offering any input in a situation. Though he is used to taking the lead, it doesn't happen as often with his lack of care for social interaction. Without having a decent conversation with him, most would see the man as socially inept without anything important to say, but in reality the racing thoughts within his head just didn't wish to spill for everyone to hear. The pilot who served in the second World War found himself romantically revolved with his boyfriend when they were tossed into a mission of peculiar instruction. When Carter had to be discharged for medical purposes, he strove to keep in touch with the man who he had gotten so close to throughout the war, always sending him letters and anxiously waiting for one to come back to his door. One day after the war when his companion from year prior arrived early at his door to spend time together, they soon confessed their feelings and began a flourishing relationship. With the help of his boyfriend, Carter manages to overcome his awkwardness, fears, and issues with his self image. He eventually moved from his small flat in Brandon to be together with his love in his home land of Scotland, where they truly have the opportunity to live happily together.


family -

Carter was rather close with his family for seeing his father minimally, often being sent back photographs of tidbits he thought his wife and son would find interesting. A picture perfect family of church - going, hard working people who resided in the town of Brandon. The boy often wrote sloppy letters to his father, including what he’d been missing as his father, Henry, worked primarily as an aviation navigator in his own flight crew. Carter idolized this; he found so much awe in watching planes soar by in the air, always asking questions of how each and every part of the plane worked to his father. His mother never encouraged this, finding the things terrifying and far too dangerous for the young boy to be indulging, even if they were just dreams at a young age. With the passing of his father not too long after he turned eight, these dreams shattered. His teacher, best friend, and father had all been wiped out in an instant. His mother grew quiet, only offering minimal conversation during meals and checking on his schoolwork. An overwhelming amount of questions were shut down by his mother, often arguing that Carter was always pushing too hard to find answers for every little thing, causing the man to grow more quiet while growing up. Despite his love of aeronautics had began to fade, he took it upon himself to put the broken pieces back together, working to try and understand aviation without his mother or teacher’s help. This lead him to often wander without permission, searching through the public library and asking questions about town. His mother wasn’t happy with this, especially when he one day came home roughed up from some other kids. Finding the books in his bag, she was frustrated and snatched them away, tightening the leash on her control of the boy growing up. This however, became more ineffective when he began adolescence; his moral compass became more fuzzy when he’d wander off, coming home at most two days later to his mother’s worry and anger, constantly questioning where he had ran off to without an answer received. Sarah Dixon grew more impatient as she tried to connect with the man, though often taking one step forwards and two steps back when attempting to do so. This becomes extremely prominent when Carter had come home stomping to his room, tears dripping down his face like a leaking faucet. Never once had the woman seen her son cry at this age range, and when trying to find out what happened, got no information. 

friends -

Relationships were never strong and well maintained on his side, leaving the man to struggle to hold a friend for more than a year or so. Friends of his while he was younger saw him as strange and desperate, while friends of his when he was older saw him as too cold and self - centered. His closest friend had been a boy named Samson, someone he playfully referred to as Sammy or Sam. The two grew rather close for a few months, both confiding in one another with their silly teenage angst. The two went on adventures together, searching Brandon for a hideout to call their own and be against the world in. They both shared the street they lived upon, often knocking at one another’s window to call out for a spontaneous expeditions to search for information for Carter’s studious notes on aviation or Sam’s collection of strange or supernatural photographs around the town. Just when Carter was believing their relationship to be a fine one, he began the downfall when leaning in for a kiss while they laid together under the stars, watching as his friend instantly pulled back, calling him disgusting and strange before saying he needed to go home. Within a week, almost everyone he knew and cared about had heard of the story, receiving an unsettling backlash of bullying and harsh looks from neighbors. Sam rarely spoke to him, saying what happened was far too weird for them to continue with their adventures the same way. Often coming home beaten and bruised, he began to work on gaining muscle to protect himself. Sarah, who had been worried sick for the man’s well being, finally heard the story, giving Carter a venomous lecture on his sinful acts. Little to no one talked to him unless it was necessary, those who picked fights with him continuing to do so and eventually began to lose while the man desperately begged for Sam to forgive him, offering excuses that he was sick or that wasn’t his intentions, never to receive that forgiveness. When asked by his mother if he really did feel this way with his romantic preference, Carter had no trouble being blatantly honest with frustration when he admitted it. Not long after, he had crashed with his aunt Ella, a more lenient woman with an almost empty house with her own husband often attending business trips in Cambridge. Though she often suggested to the man that returning to good terms with his mother was a good idea, it never stuck to his juvenile mind. Not only could he bare with the minimal conversation and harassment about his choices, but he couldn’t see his friends on the block, especially Sam, who walked past his own small home almost everyday to school. He remained quiet in Ella’s home, eventually getting a job at a mom and pop shop that left him supplying himself with his own money for food and eventually leaving some for his aunt as a thanks before he left for the air force. With this as a new start to make friends, he grew close to his first flight crew where he took on the role of a signaller, learning how to communicate and take lead throughout his time in the air force. When the war rolled out, he was more often deemed the pilot in situations, losing some of his crew to other locations but still more than lucky to have two close friends at his side. Unfortunately, they were lost in an air fight while he was being medically checked for previous injury he had gained, only growing worse when he was injured once more when a crash occurred at his camp. Now alone with the loss of the friends he finally could count on and being sent to a nearby location for treatment, in no intentions did he wish to make any friends until he met Wally, the man he would be stuck with for the next few weeks and eventually keep as a pen pal after he is discharged from the war for medical purposes.

self -

Having a self image and being confident in it was something Carter had always struggled with since his youth, for he always tried to replicate someone else’s life. He was analytical, and would try to find characteristics that were ideal and figuring out how he could achieve them naturally for himself, in the end always working too hard to find this. He found reflection in many people, including his mannerisms and religious views from his mother, interests and hobbies from friends, and thought process from his superiors. The man he idolized most was his father, and with him being gone so often and eventually passing, he wasn’t sure what he should look for, who he should try to be and what he should try to do with his life. With this, his dreams of being a pilot are discarded as he searched to find himself. He often tried to find it within friends, taking in on their interests and trying to impress others the best that he could. This often ended in teasing, calling the man a try - hard for working too hard to make other people happy. Carter was oblivious to this for a short while before realizing what he had been doing wrong; he was asking too many questions and focusing too much on befriending others that he had only scared others off. The solution to this was to become more quiet, listening rather than contributing to a conversation and collecting mental notes. When Sam came around, this had changed. He became more socially invested, interested in knowing everything about the man and sticking with him until the world ended. In all of this, he didn’t realize he had some romantic feelings for him until he had reached in for the kiss that ruined their friendship. For months after, he questioned his romantic preference, asking himself why he did that and why he betrayed God in that way of all possibilities. He cannot find himself, and cannot trust anyone to help him. When joining the air force, he began to finally shape who he came out to be. He stuck with his reserved nature, still fascination and a need for analysis dwindling within him. His self image changed drastically throughout the war after seeing and meeting new people, but no matter what, he began to finally believe that he knew who he was. 
