


6 years, 2 months ago



Name - Amara

Partner - Zale

Age - 23

Height - 5'4" FT

Species - Human


Calm  | Intelligent | Stubborn | Brave | Naive | Energetic | Friendly


Born to loving parents, Amara had a happy childhood. Her father was a renowned scientist, respected all around the world. At a young age, Amara had been in an accident, causing her to lose her arm- but this spurred her father's research on even further. He created a line of robotic limbs, just so that he could give his daughter her life back. Unfortunately, this made her a target for those wanting to study and steal his material and one day, Amara went missing. Her parents would do everything they could to find her, but unfortunately, she was already off the planet and being carted to a far away world. In this world, she was researched, altered, and tested on to be a soldier. She was trained in all sorts of battle- but her will to fight was all but gone. She missed her home and her parents and so once they had stripped her of all the knowledge they could, they sold her off to the highest bidder. A wealthy man who resided on a planet where slavery was still allowed, purchased her as a maid and a bodyguard and tugged around on a leash. It wasn't until a crazy alien ripped the collar from her neck that she was free. She has been following him by his side ever since. 


→ Became a mute when she was sold off as a slave, learning that speaking back would only result in punishment

→ Her arm has been modified much more since her father designed it for her and she can do a wide array of things with it now

→ Is very good at cutting hair

→ Very good at cooking
