I’m in love with this design https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/73688745_FY7s317wf7Ze7Md.png

I want to use them within my wip story that currently doesn’t have a name, but I would have them as one of the big villains or ‘villain’ ‘s (doesn’t have name either so villain is placed there instead) child. The way to know why they do all of this is all explained in the prequel story “Into the Stars”, (they are animal like gods/goddesses creatures) where basically villain is slowly being corrupted by a virus within the story til villain goes on a rampage and starts attacking and kills many many of their own kind. Ofc the leader, https://toyhou.se/24850525.oat banishes villain to earth’s core. So this is where this character would be portrayed, the villain would start reaching their magic to create beings to destroy the “tear drop” necklace filled with Oat’s and Gemi’s magic. This character would be created from a black substance filled with so much magic that their color is changed from black to a purple like color.

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I do have two I liked.

one: https://toyhou.se/24438977.skullish-freebie-hub/gallery#73690060

Name: hyper or twizzt

They/them, it/its

Personality: hyper, energetic , silly, jokster, entertaining

Just a super sillywilly who loves to play tricks on others. And is really good at it too!! Though, it can sometimes give itself away by giggling alot when the topic of their prank comes up. They giggle uncontrollably and it can get to a point where it starts sounding kinda,,,, scary.

It has a bit of blurry vision so from afar, it finds it hard to see things and it like more like a blob of colours.

Two: https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/73689901_LPUhlnoJ8XV71Xn.png

Name: something floral. Like, petal or bloom?? Blossum?


personaloty: kind and shy. Sweet, caring, quiet

Really kind to her friends and super nice. Cares a lot if their friends get hurt or feel sad and does everything they can to make them feel better! LOVES plants and flowers and lil creatures like bunnies and butterflies. She has a small garden she Cares for vry dearly. They never forget to take care of their flowers and its almost like the flowers are their children!

Writing for this one https://toyhou.se/24438977.skullish-freebie-hub/gallery#73690060

Name: ChatBox

Death name: Lily Hart

Lily was once a cheerleader for her school’s football team, she was always ambitious and would commonly have spats with the other cheer leaders in her group.

she was especially vicious in online spaces, mocking others for physical and mental disabilities.

one dreadfully stormy day, lily decided to take some shelter under a roof with electrical wires hanging from the barracks. though water had recently fallen onto the wires. She pulled up her phone for another text. 

and then a wire fell onto her shoulder. Lily almost instantly died, not even noticing her body start to burn.

now she lives in limbo constantly searching for a way out, though never seeming to find it.

Writing for them! https://toyhou.se/24438977.skullish-freebie-hub/gallery#73690060

Name: The Detective

Age: 19

Gender: Male

The detective was a young man who lived in the city. He had a family complete with parents and a younger sister, Ashley. One day as he was headed to the train he was pushed onto the tracks and hit. After becoming a Skullish he somehow ended up in the mortal world instead of limbo and lost all his memories. He doesn't even know his own name. Only that he has a sister named Ashley and that someone pushed him into the train. His goal is to find his killer and get revenge so he can finally return to limbo and pass on.

First design: https://toyhou.se/24438977.skullish-freebie-hub#73691799
Time period: Early 1900s
Name: Aaron
Gender: Male
     Aaron, a 19 year old boy working in the coal mines yearned for any other life than this. That's why he worked day and night, gathering penny after penny for his dangerous work. It was the only job he could get, the coal mine being the only place to work for miles. As much as he wanted to quit, he pressed on, the dream of a better future keeping him going.
     Of course, working conditions in mines back then were quite subpar. A lazy mine manager could get away with half assed safety checks, sending teams into dangerous areas without care. Sadly, this, of course, happened to Aaron's team. Working in an unstable cave, Aaron was able to notice one of his friends mining into a cave weak point. He watched as pebbles from the ceiling started to fall, jumping into action. He rushed over, shoving his friend out of the way in the nick of time. With his friend saved, Aaron took his place, crushed in seconds by the wave of rubble that came down. His friend tried to dig him out, quickly pulled away by the others evacuating the mine caving in behind them. Above the surface, Aaron was renowned a hero, his body stuck miles below the surfacem gone too soon.

Second design: https://toyhou.se/24438977.skullish-freebie-hub#73689901
Time period: Regency period (early 1800s)
Name: Philippa
Gender: Female
     Philippa, an 26 year old countess, was renowned through her town, being a kind soul wanting to help anyone in need. Her gardens were open to anyone who wanted to share in the beauty of nature, holding wonderful parties for all to enjoy. Life was good, she was happy, everything was perfect.
     Perfection doesn't last forever, though. Philippa was widowed, her late husband having been dead for a while too long. The men of the town were constantly reaching for her hand, insisting her name need a count to take charge of the household. Philippa refused the men, using her grief as an excuse. This was a lie, of course, as Philippa only had her eyes on the gorgeous women she surrounded herself with. A certain male suitor had suspicions of this, sneaking around Philippa's home, finally catching her lying with a woman through her bedroom window. Enraged, the suitor took it upon himself to end Philippa's reign as a countess. At the next party Philippa hosted, the suitor insisted on making a toast, handing Philippa an ever so slightly off-color cup of tea. As the attendants raised their glasses to Philippa, they all drank happily. It only took a moment for the poisoned tea leaves to send Philippa to the ground, her death almost immediate. Chaos ensued, the horrified members of the town trying their best to keep their beloved Philippa alive. It was too late, Philippa leaving the world far too soon.

Third design: https://toyhou.se/24438977.skullish-freebie-hub/gallery#73689541
Time period: Mid to late 1800s
Name: Cassidy
Gender: Male
     Cassidy, a 21 year old cowboy, lived his life in the lime light. He was a roping champion, taking 1st place in every rodeo he traveled to. He traveled through most of the southern states, leaving his mark wherever he went. That's when he caught wind of an ultimate challenge, an almost 2000 pound bull needing to be taken down. Many a man had tried to rope it in rodeos but none had succeeded. He started making the journey, ready to seal his legacy, knowing his name would be remembered for years to come.
     He made it to the rodeo, the crowd massive when the heard Cassidy would be here. He signed up and readied himself and his trusty steed, knowing they're gonna need all the luck in the world to pull this off solo. Cassidy mounted his horse and stepped into the ring, staring the bull down. The bell rung and the fight began, Cassidy's lasso already in the air. The crowd was deafening as they watched, unable to look away from the man putting the beast in its place. It didn't take nearly as long as he thought it would, Cassidy's lasso making it around the bull's ankles, pulling it onto its side. He hoped off his horse, securing the bull before standing with pride. The crowd went wild, excited they were able to see history made first hand.
     Rodeo attendants rushed to the bull, wanting to get it put away before any accidents took place. Cassidy didn't even see it coming, back turned to the animal as he bowed and waved to the crowd, relishing in the rush of attention. He heard a rope snap over his shoulder, turning to look at what could've possible made the sound. As he saw the bull running towards him, he silently understood it was too late, shutting his eyes tightly as the bull's horns pierced his chest, pulling him up to the sky. The crowd gasped and cried in horror, their hero killed in less than a moment. His story would be told from town to town, remembering the world's greatest cowboy, taken too soon.

ps i love this species idea so much oh my god i hope u continue with it!!!

I love this design https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/73691658_7PazDFnsfaRKL9K.png And I’d love to make story for them and such! This species sounds so fascinating and I would love to be a part of it all!


I'd love to adopt them! 


Name: Charlotte 

Charlotte was a 10 year old girl born in the 1950s. She was a really sweet and caring girl with a pet bunny Named Margot whome she loved dearly. Charlotte lived a pretty normal life as a child in the 50s. Her favorite color was purple, she loved to Play with her dollies as well as Margot, she wore fluffy dresses with bows and frills, and its the weirdest thing... She loved to play in the woods that were right in front of her house. She would find treasure there and play imaginary games with her imaginary friends. It was the one place she felt safe.

  Now while Charlotte's life was Normal on the outside, on the inside it was horrible. She loved with he beautiful and loving mother Carol and her abusive father James. James would leave early in the morning to work around 7Am a kind father, making breakfast, telling Carol and Charlotte he loved them, feeding Margot, exc. After he left for work however thinks got messy. Every single day he would get drunk at the bar ( hard liquor most likely ) and come home in a foul mood so foul that almost evry night he would come home and start fights with Carol. Mostly it would be yelling and screaming in the living room, sometimes it would end in a hole in a wall or a door off it's hinge, other times.... Well.... It would end In Carol screaming because James just started swinging. Charlotte only saw it once or twice but she would hear all the other times it would happen. She couldn't do anything, she was too small, to weak, useless but one day she had enough. Usually she'd stay out of the way due to her mom making her promise but this time she was going to help, she didn't care. 

   It was late,, around 12am when the usual fighting started. Charlotte was wearing her light purple nightgown and her cute fluffy slippers while Margot was fast asleep in her bedroom her tiny little cage locked up tight. Charlotte didn't know how this fight was going to end but she was prepared! But this time the fight was different it was, louder, more intense... Then the screaming started! Charlotte grabbed her light purple nightgown in her small hands and ran. 

   She opened the door of her bedroom and ran to the living room her feet pounding on the old wood floor. When she got to the living room her mommy was on the floor while her father kept punching, sometimes he missed and hit the floor so besides her moms blood her father was bleeding everywhere too. So much blood. Charlotte ran and without thinking started to kick James as hard as she could. James in his state of rage turned and punched Charlotte in the face. She went flying to the floor in pain screaming and crying. She got up though and ran to do the same when her father grabbed her on either side where her arms were pinned and brought her to the couch, sat her down quite forcefully and screamed at her to stay. She was to sit down and receive her punishment for not listening to the rules. He stomped over the mother and to Margot's cage, unlocked it and grabbed her bunny by the scruff. Charlotte screamed as her father grabbed a knife and slit her bunny's throat. She cried as the blood slid to the floor from the gash... Her bunny her best friend, she loved her and now she was gone. James turned while saying " that's what you get when you can't follow instructions " Charlotte wished she never left her bedroom, she wished she just listened to her momma and stayed there. Charlotte ran over to her father one last time and started wailing, crying, screaming, she couldn't help herself she was torn apart! Her father in a blind rage swung around with the knife in his hand and plunged it into Charlottes eye..... there was screaming from behind her.... her mommy? Then there was only darkness..............

  With what James had done and his wife screaming and crying, bloodied, and on the floor in pain and his child limp on the ground with a knife in her head he had to do something, he couldn't get cought, so he grabbed his daughter in his arms put the rabbit in her lap and grabbed his wife by the hair and started dragging her to the car he told her that if she didn't shut up she would end up like her daughter. Weirdly he didn't feel a thing as he dragged them to the middle of the woods, and dug holes, graves he guessed. He dug one and threw his wife in she started screaming again but as he put in the dirt it got quieter, he thought to himself "thank god" as he dug a smaller hole on the other side of the clearing. After he Doug it he tossed Charlotte in followed by her little rodent who thumped on to Charlotte's chest, then he started to burry her too. He knew she loved to play in these exact woods every day so he thought this was the perfect place for her to stay.forever.

I think I went overboard lmao 😂

Oh and in limbo she goes by Margot instead of Charlotte AND Margot because they fused in spirit because they were both young and they loved each other 

https://toyhou.se/24438977.skullish-freebie-hub#73689210 ID LOVE THIS GOOB OF THER NOT TAKEN


There name ehris once a young French/brittish woman traveling the world in 1932 in surch for her perfect haven she thought she had found it in the after almost crash landing in the artic one night she heard strange noises thinking it came from an endangered animal she wrapped up and whent outside she walked down to a masive cave where the noise was coming from but of corse the thing was unusable snowing in the only entrance something else was in that cave although she would never find out her poor attempt to warm up and been the death of her freezing to death… she was staying in a cottage at the time in a very icolated place in the artic she had all she wanted, 

Sorry that took so long I had to go pick up my brother anyway AHH SICK DESIGHNS