Zara Numbat



5 years, 11 months ago


Zara Numbat, best friend of Suzuki Hedgehog and fellow racer. Raised in Downunda, she spent a lot of time hanging around with Suzuki hedgehog during their early days. As they grew up together, they shared a goal to become Extreme gear racers. Whilst the 2 were initially unsuccessful, they both had different views on how to pursue their goal... Suzuki took the path to find out her inner strength, whilst Zara trained a lot. The 2 reunited many years later with a more successful tryout and became rookie racers. Zara is known to be a perfectionist, always maintaining a good image and scowling at those who disagree with her. Despite this, she has been known to play tricks on other racers... like tricking Wyvern into kissing a fish instead of Zara, and impersonating said racer by taking their race suit whilst having a shower. Regardless of this, she has proven her skills on the track alongside Suzuki and Matthew, as well as giving her fellow teammates pointers for improvement. Zara races for the win and aims to look her best when on the podium.