Ancoraælwiht (Goober)




Goober (Ancoraælwiht)

Goober is the lake cryptid living in Kelpmere Lake on the island of Ealdholtland. The Holtlandic people call him Ancoraælwiht which roughly translates to 'Hermit Monster' in Old English, however they call himself Goober. They are a friendly creature despite what the Holtlandic think and he would like to befriend them which more often then not, ends in him accidentally scaring people.

Kelpmere Lake
Lake Cryptid


Goober is an amphibian, he has gills that allow him to live underwater and they breathe through the moss that grows on his skin while on land. Being omnivorous they eat small fish, small mammals and algae as well as a verity of plants. He is tens of thousands of years old and has been living in Kelpmere Lake for as long as it has existed.

He can swim at speeds around one and a half metres per second (5.4 km/h). On land they have excellent eyesight and can see very well in the dark, while in the water he uses echo location. They communicate through clicks and chirping.


I always planned for Ealdholtland to have its own lake monster as I have always love and been fasinated by the Loch Ness Monster, when I saw this adoptable design I just had to get it.

Much like Nessie Goober resembles a plesiosaur. (Although he is not a plesiosaur)

Goober's skin texture is somewhat similar to a frog.

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