Ciri Yarrow



5 months, 11 days ago


Will make the whole profile eventually.... Ciri is the daughter of a noble, she's been trained in sword fighting and specializes in ice magic.  She doesn't care for any of that however, and wants to make potions.  She really bad at it however, if you consume one of her potions it will not do what she says it's suppose to...

Her father has graciously met Ciri halfway however, she wants to be an adventurer- not interested in the politics that come with being a noble, and not wanting to govern the land or it's people.  She'd rather help them in a more personal way which, in a little hut making potions.

personality wise, well.  Ciri is most certainly a handful. Stubborn, and unfortunately ditzy make for a rough combo if you're the one trying to keep her out of harms way.  She wants to help all that she can, but at the very least she's not naïve.  She knows she's easily a target for ransom, she knows there are murderers and bandits a like in this world, and does seem to be at least a little suspicious of people, though it took a lot of scolding from Morgan to get her there.

Combat wise, Ciri works really well with her rapier, her favorite thing to do is summon horses made of ice, and bring forth ice storms/blizzards to aid in combat.