


5 years, 11 months ago




gp_icon_no_text_by_esk_masterlist-dbomm2391,5 GPgp_icon_no_text_by_esk_masterlist-dbomm2

Actual Growth Points Balance

Growth Points used: 0 GP 

Total Lifetime GP earned: 391,5 GP 

✔️ Feel free to draw about Pikko, you don't have to wait for permission. I'd be nice to see how you draw him. Please read his personality and facts to be more accurate to the character. Please tag me on the submission when you upload it.

❓But ask before writing about him, please.

❌ cannot trade, gift, swat and resell


Layout by Jayden   •   Character by TheRufo


Hi! Nice to meet you.
Have you traveled far? Great!
I know a perfect place to chill, follow me!
While we're on our way over there, why don't you tell me about your travels?"



SpeciesEskSizeA bit more than a sparrowAdventuresFireworks
GenderMaleVoiceRie Kugimiya - Link!TalesArgues
OriginTravelerSongLink!Climb necks and muzzlesForgive things
NatureLoquaciousMBTIINFPRide other eskSad stories
BoundaryOpen-air bazaar

Find secrets places👻Fears👻
Nature FeatureTillandsia Stricta

Help others to find sitesRed intense colour

TravelsPile of skeletons

Warm place to have a rest while it rainsThe disease


Back story resumepikkov2_by_therufo-dcr28qp.png

Pikko was an adventurous little sparrow. I was looking forward to visiting new places beyond the nest.

One day, exploring a human apartment with his family, he slipped and fell during a long fall. The 13-floor ventilation duct fall was long and dark. He fell on a pile that he was unable to describe. Scared, he called his family for hours, but no one could hear him.

After a day, hungry, he feared the worst. Luckily, a human found him. He didn't understand anything she was saying, but he saw her trying to break the bottom part where he was. After a few very hard hours, she managed to get him out of that death cage. The human took care of him for days, and he became so fond of him that he did not want to leave the nest of that human.

Pikko lived happily ever after for almost a decade with that human. But he never really healed from the blows of that day and got sick. The grief-stricken human saw his little companion's life escape him. He just didn't know what was going on.

The woman took her little partner to a park. In that park downtown, there's always an open-air bazaar. There he had always seen more members of his species. He buried him with all the love and pain she could contain.

Now, Pikko is a happy, lively and loquacious esk who has not lost his adventurous spirit. He loves to ride anywhere looking for new secret places to tell his friends.
