Kelli Hearne



7 months, 1 day ago

Basic Info


AFAB, she/it

Height & Weight

5'3, 125


Questioning/Not sure

Age & Birthday

16, November 28th

Potential Magi?



Student at Seaford High, and daughter of Miranda Hearne. Neuropathy in her arms due to a accident when she was 12 and struggles with empathy in more than one sense of the word. In a study group but other than that does not talk to most outside of immediate family.


Knitted Sweaters- They're fuzzy and a generally nice gesture as a gift.

Noir Fiction- She appreciates the amount of detail they put in their descriptions of things more than anything else, really.

Spring-  It's still cool out, but with the added bonus of trees and plants  flowering! At least, that's what she thinks they do. Why else would  people complain about allergies during that time?


Soap  Operas- Eugh, BORING! Yet somehow the most melodramatic issues she's  seen to date. Her least favorite part about visiting her father, he  seems to always have those shows on when she's around.

Her Peers-  It's not really a personal thing more than it's just her feeling weird  and uncomfortable with how public some of these people are with their  personal lives. Just the fact that her mom works at the same school she  goes to is enough info, your not gonna get anything else out of her.

Yellow food coloring- "I'm allergic to it. :("

Kelli leads a generally simple life, she thinks. She lives with her Mom,  occasionally talking to her father and his new daughter over the  weekend. Goes to a average school and is a consistent B grade student.  She did break her arms in some accident that Kelli cannot for the life  of her remember, but that happens to a lot of kids when they're younger.  And a lot of the more major bone injuries happen to leave lasting nerve  damage, but she can still write fine and thats what matters. There was  nothing life ruining about it just, inconvenient. Like how she always  seems to end up with the shy or loner kids when it comes to group  projects. Seriously though, what is with these people? Everyone her age  running around, worrying about relationships and god knows what, it's  like she's the only person who can contain their emotions. It's really weird.