
6 months, 19 days ago


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She resides in the bug kingdom Chrysalia in Pokemon Conquest, she does not like fighting and often encourages asking her Beautifly to paralyze or put enemies to slumber. She and a few other Female warriors have a hobby of making pokemon beauty contests. Her job is being somewhat of an alchemist, combining herbs and items. Apparently, they are also useful in grooming and conditioning a pokemon to be battle ready (despite her disliking this bit).

Specialty: BUG FLYING

Sumire's partner is a very unique Beautifly, a shiny one at that! Bandits wanted to steal a shiny cocoon rumored to be hiding in the forest of Chrysalia, making a fortune no one has ever dreamed of. Sumire, along with Sessai stepped in to rescure this pokemon that eventually becomes her life-long partner. This pokemon is very caring and encourages others to be proud of themselves.


May contain spoilers for Pokemon Conquest: "The Legend of Ransei" [Main Story]. I reccomend you see the game before proceeding!!

Eventually this contest later becomes the Ransei's Greatest Beauty [Side Story] from the actual game.

In the Main Story, when Yoshimoto began to devote his time into Kemari that later develops into Pokemari; a group pillaged and stole valuables from his palace. Unable to deal with the "merchants" (bandits) due to his naivety, Sumire chose to make a stand and take back the valuables and gold. Sessai, the one training Yoshimoto, decided to join Sumire with his Larvesta.

Let's show our beauty!

Silver Wind, Beautifly!