Nubula/Green Pea



6 months, 17 days ago


Age: 2100(21)

Gender: non-binary(any pronouns)

Species: Alien

Status: alive

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Alien astronaut

Birthday: They forgor👽

Relationship: Darrel(boyfriend), Jose(besties) and Betty(besties)

Appearance: Green Pea is a tall white skinned alien, with lime green hair, big sharp eyes, wearing a pink and green space suit with a helmet. They carry around a purple speaker backpack and space gun!

Personality:  cute and Airhead in nature, Green Pea very rarely takes much of what's going on around her seriously. Which makes them seem rather unintelligent, and childish but it's merely just his innocence.

Backstory: When Green Pea was a child her planet was attack by enemies, her parents had no choice but to send her away to another safe planet they didn't have enough time to check what planet she’s going that they pressed the wrong button and sent her to planet earth. After she was sent to planet earth she grew up loving it here but knew that the enemies are finished attacking her planet and the next they will be attacking is planet earth so she promised her self to protect her planet but she needs a few friends to fight with her side.

Other information/fun fact

she love eating bubble gum because the texture is soft and chewy

she LOVES hyperpop music

- she daydream a lot

she melts when the weather is HOT

when she tries different flavors of her skin change hot food make her skin red and salty food make her skin green