Galac Sea (Deckhand La'ashir)



5'9 / 175
Deck Hand
Stubborn, bitey, defensive

Sha'Salan Fugitive


La'ashir always seem tense and on edge, a bit like he has a stick up his ass. It's quite clear that he was raised within the Sha-Sal empire, and finds other races confusing and perhaps inferior. He is very irritable and doesn't like being helped with any task.

While most races, humans, goblins, elves, etc, are spread out in different worlds and having their own societies separate from one another (A Solarthan human has no connection to a Turnosan human)-- The Sha’Sal is one big gith empire, under the same rules, rulers and principles. From their capital on Tu’narath, they rule and try to spread their empire and influence across Galac. They have very little interest in pre-existing races on worlds, and will happily colonise them. They often see themselves as superior to other races, and are quite wide-spread. The Sha’Sal empire doesn’t up-end and dominate worlds per say, but they very much like to put their mark on it and make sure people know that they have a base of operation right there. They lay claim to any resources in the world and will take it by force if necessary.

They used to be in conflict with a previous abberant illithid empire. But the Sha'Sal has over time managed to militanty eradicate most of the illithids they were at war with. Supposedly the gith used to be slaves to the illithid empire, but eventually managed to overthrow their masters. Exactly how this went down is not fully known as there are many conflicting reports on the event. What is known is that they still seek to 'protect' Galac from the remaining illithids, and demands land and tribute for their service.


  • His pale grayish white skin is not typical for his race.
  • Wild Magic Sorcerer.
  • Horribly confused with the customs and biology of other races.
  • The gith in Galac have a Finish accent.

I... used magic when the objective was to only... do armed combat..and I disgraced everyone with my poor judgement. I apologise.