Esther Travolta



6 months, 19 days ago


Esther Travolta 

Height: 5’7

Age: 26

Personality: calm, practical, often the one people go to when they are stressed out and need someone to talk to because she is a very good listener and has a presence that genuinely puts people at ease- similar to Ransom in that aspect, she tends to know a lot of things that people haven’t told her, and she can sense curses which makes her very aware of supernatural happenings, tends to be very direct in her manner of speaking; but will be poetic if she doesn’t really want someone to understand something right away, she tends to get angry with people who make her feel rushed and with Alex who she feels brings an immense negative energy into the camp

Occupation: circus worker (medic, sometimes does the fortune telling tent in collaboration with Madeleine, oftentimes just helps out with the acrobatic tricks)

Bio: From a young age Esther was hyper aware of the supernatural, and because of it her family saw her as unusual. To gain their favor she worked harder in school, despite her lack of ability to see, and graduated with honors. When the Rot took over the land, she joined leagues with the scientists and detectives and Angel to find a cure. After the ordeal, she joined the Caravan, and acts as their medic to this day.