


6 months, 7 hours ago


Name: Neils Species: Papi'ion x Arachi'ion (moth x spider fae) Age: adult 20ish Height: 5ft Occupation: royal librarian Gender: both Pronoun: he/they/she Personality: skittish, thoughtful, curious, smart Hobbies: reading, writing fanfiction, daydreaming, drawing Family: 1 sibling living with Mother, father lives close by Abilities: webs, will-o-wisps and fairy dust History: arrived with his family about 3 months ago, their people looking for sanctuary, safety away from threats. He got a job as a linrarian at the royal palace and he sleeps in the library, hasnt left since he arrived. He only leaves to meet with his father. They write fanfiction of Raven and other handsome people they meet. Very skittish and dont want to draw attention. He has always stood out from rest of his kin since everyone else is at max 3'3ft tall. So he stood out and he is considered an abnormality due his unusual origins. He trained under Cassandra, their historian and mapmaker. He learned to read and write in various different languages. His dream is to be someday a writer. And he is a hopeless romantic~