Nameless (actual name)



6 months, 23 days ago


Age: unknown

Gender: Herm (both male and female reproductive parts)

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Pansexual

Dragon type: Wyvern

Base element: ice

Size: She has a wingspan of 110ft (around the same size as a A318 (plane) for reference)

Home: she lives in an ice colony in the Arctic. The colony is made up of various ice dragon breeds that are all commanded by the alpha of the colony. 

Personality: independent, dominant, intelligent, fearless, respectful.


- She is one of the larger breeds in the colony and she has to watch where she steps to make sure she doesn't step on any smaller breeds.

- She doesn't breathe fire, instead, she breathes ice

- She has nothing against humans, they have done nothing to her and she has done nothing to them. She is weary of them when they get close but she doesn't go out of her way to attack them.

- She gets along with the alpha in her colony, she has never spoken to him but she has never had an issue with him.