AYO that character fits with the code so well! :oD awesome to see!

ooo the spinning layers concept is so cool i love it... /gen !

( on another note, i took a look to the html and im pretty sure th doesn't support --fa-duration-animation for some reason, but i tried to replace it with just animation-duration (which is supported) and it did make the layers spin at different speeds! i'm not 100% sure if this was the intended effect, but it did do something! if it was the intended effect, i hope this was helpful :] )

yes that's exactly the intended effect! :o0 !!! 

oh nice! if you want to i can give you the code already "edited" (i didnt do much really ^^;), but in theory removing the --fa- part from --fa-animation-duration should do the trick!

that'd be really great if you could! :oD I'll credit you in the code description if you'd like

sure thing, i'll dm it to you in a sec! to be fair, what i did is incredibly small so it's not strictly needed, but if you still want to credit me in the desc i'd appreciate it! ^^

I updated the code and desc! Honestly without your input I wouldn't have figured out what the issue was and just left it be, so I'd say the credit is well deserved ^o^

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