


6 months, 27 days ago


First Name: Calypt

Last Name: Y'Nilhe

Age: 22 (Demon years), 526 (Human years)

Species: Demon

Birthday: September 10th

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Brown

Skin Tone: Red

Height: 5'2"

Weight: "Don't you know it's rude to ask a demon lady her wingspan?"

Powers: Eldritch Summoning, Flight, Extreme Heat Resistance, Darkness Cloaking

Weapon: Obsidian Dagger

Favorite Food: Anything cinnamon flavored.

Favorite Drink: Cherry Kool-Aid. She didn't really have a lot of variety with drinks in her younger years.

Favorite Color: Purple.

Favorite Season: Winter. She, ironically, likes the cold.

Fear: Slight Astraphobia, thunder sometimes spooks her.


- If you can find enough terms, using too much slang can sometimes confuse her.
- She will often fly just a little off the ground to hide the fact she's short.
- If and when befriended, she'll often tell LOADS of jokes. Including puns, if she sees the opportunity.

Personality: Calypt is often pretty playful, even when you're her enemy. Expect constant taunting, teasing and being snuck up on. It's hard to make her upset at all. She *sometimes* does good things, if it's in her own benefit.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Backstory (This is a bit of an early thing- I plan to tidy it up eventually.): At a young age, whilst her parents were gone, she went to a much darker layer of the underworld, finding dark beings, and instead of being afraid, she was able to bond with them. Being one of the only demons to do that in many centuries, they decided to go along with it, and bless her with their power, allowing her to go to and from Earth. As a child, she spent most of her time in Hell, but as she grew she came to Earth more and more, soon getting somewhat of a title for herself. She's almost always on Earth now, and while that brings both good and bad things for her, she still enjoys it immensely.