Peach Harvest



6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Got from Flamago [resale]

December 18


PeachHarvest is the daughter of Citrus Blossom, who comes from a long line of peach farmers,  and Zephyr Hooves, who was a traveling deer merchant. They First met when they were kids, as Zephyr's father often did business with Citrus's family. They grew close over the years, slowly becoming more then friends. It wasnt until Citrus found out she was pregnant that they finally decided to get married. They settled down on Citrus's Family land, taking over the family business (Citrus's parents died in a house fire while she was pregnant.) 

As a child, Peach loved drawing, and caring for the various stray animals that found their way onto the farm. She was homeschooled, and never got a cutie mark due to her father's genetics. She didn't mind at all. As her parents got older, Peach took over the business. She took a small break from farming for two years to go to art school, though she never had any plans to draw for a living. She just really liked it, and wanted to learn more.