Parsley's Comments

Hey I was wondering a bit about this character as I was gonna draw them for DHA. On their main / masterlist art I was trying to figure out what the thing on their back was and considering they're based off a tanuki I felt it was pretty obvious it was a hat since they're very commonly seen with one and you can see the strap going from the edge of the 'hat' and around their neck, but I also noticed in the description that you said it was a backpack? I'm just a bit confused as to how it works as a backpack and what type of backpack it would be? /genq If you want it to be a backpack I would love to draw my DHA in a way to make it a bit more obvious but I would need some kind of reference as to how it would look ^^

Hiya! No problemo, I get the confusion. I myself did not realize the intent of it being their hat when I redrew the ref, which, in hindsight, totally makes sense  😭 . I depict it as a tote backpack, if you would like to as well, but if you want to draw it as the hat, then go for it! apologies <:]