William Wonka



6 months, 17 days ago

Basic Info

Height, Age

of unknown age in appearance, about 30 years old, 191 cm, - kg


○ Occupation

Owner of factories and an amusement park named after himself.

○ Character.

As the rare fans who managed to go to the factory and talk to Mr. Wonka were convinced, Willy is frivolous and inconsistent,
cannot stand criticism directed at himself - even fair criticism - and really doesn’t like it when someone wastes time or asks questions that seem inappropriate to him. The fate of the visitors to his factory, whether children or adults, is not very interesting to him. Names are constantly forgotten and he will not wait for anyone who does not keep up with him, which is why some get lost.
The fourth successor of the factory, like all generations before him, constantly dresses extravagantly and provocatively, ordering clothes from the best designers of the Kingdom, in which he appears in public whenever he pleases. This is usually accompanied by fanfare and performances, the display of new chocolate flavors, the opening of new attractions, but sometimes just a walk, when he has free time.

○ Biography.
It all started with the first William, who worked as a chocolatier. But he was not interested in simply making chocolate sculptures; Wonka always strived for something more. Little by little, automata began to appear in the shop, which made the confectionery shop unusual,
later this grew into entire performances and installations made of metal and chocolate. This is how the entertaining chocolate factory was born. But the creator’s soul did not calm down, he began to study new ways to expand his business - the construction of an entire amusement park began. But soon the factory in the center of the park closes,
not allowing anyone in except a dozen lucky ones with golden tickets. One of them becomes the new successor, and then the head of the company, taking the name Willy Wonka and abandoning his own. This is how sources describe the first creator, but there is nothing more to write, Mr. Wonka does not like to give official interviews. This continues from generation to generation,
Faces change, but character and preferences remain unchanged.
The factory in the center of the park remained closed to the general public. They say that everything there is really made of sweets, a river of hot chocolate flows, and from the inside the building, like the amusement park itself, seems much larger than from the outside, and if you get there, you will even be able to meet with the head of the company himself. Now you can get to the factory only when it’s time to choose a new receiver, or with the purchase of a VIP pass, which is only available to wealthy clients.

○ Abilities and magical skills, if any:

A first-class confectioner, continues to make experimental sweets, this is how he picks up new tastes.

Magnetokinesis, which helped in the construction of complex structures.

○ Additional facts:

- Now he continues the work of his predecessor in investing in thematic housing complexes.

- Very interested in the forest - both in the territory and its effects. Sponsors a branch of scouts, but not officially.

- The whole body is covered with freckles.

- Dyed my hair white, afraid that I saw gray hair... at the age of 26.

- Mr. Wonka always strives to expand his business and territories.

- Hopping from old bodies to new bodies (heterochromia and scar from this)