Veronica Rabbit



5 years, 11 months ago


Veronica Rabbit, mother and fortune teller extraordinaire. Raised in the older times, where Mobians weren’t as technologically advanced, Veronica was often seen attending formal parties and meeting aristocratic figures in a hope of finding her fated lover. She eventually met her future husband, Danté Vampfox who she got to know more intimately on the roof top of the building. She later read his future by reading his palm, informing him that they would have children… but they would be in grave danger if remained in this time line. Weeks after the birth of Onix and Sapphire, Veronica was captured and sentenced to death by beheading for being classed as a witch, and then had her body desecrated and scattered to prevent her returning. Danté spent countless years searching for her body parts and putting them back together for his brother to resurrect her with the energy of a lightning storm. She was resurrected as a zombie and rekindled the bond between her vampiric lover whilst also thawing and raising their daughters in a much safer time line. Veronica has used her fortune telling skills to perfectly aid those who have earned her trust and deserved her wisdom. She is kind hearted and always willing to have fun when the time calls for it.