


9 months, 26 days ago


mysterious ⋅ dramatic ⋅ introverted ⋅ opinionated

Name: Spook
Gender: Female
Age: 24yr.
Personality: Spook is very committed to being the main character. She is constantly trying to romanticize her life and make everything into a story that centers around her. Rather than being vain she is actually just slightly delusion, convinced that everyone either loves her or wants to be her. She is an excellent fighter despite trying to make every fight as beautiful and dramatic as possible.
Occupation: Mirthful Meltdown Soldier

Fun Facts
- She is obsessed with cemeteries and spends much of her free time doing research on the family plots she finds
- Theories and practices of dark magic are her favorite hobby and she often coops herself up in her room making potions and drawing sigils
- She is an expert martial artist who had developed her own unique fighting style

Laugh / mentor
Belial / colleague
Haunt/ colleague
Ribo / boss

Spook as always been delusional. Her delusions of grandeur have been apparent since she was very young but they don't seem to come from a place of vanity or narcissism but from a wildly active imagination in which she is always the main character. She is relatively aloof and keeps to herself, convinced that everyone around her is simply a supporting character that will further her story arc. She is very committed to her character and has carefully constructed a reputation, personality, and appearance that she believes makes her appear the most mysterious, interesting, and attractive to others. She seems both happy and satisfied in this role. She is an extremely skilled martial artist due to years of intensive training and has even developed a style of her own which incorporates dramatic, elegant movements that make it appear choreographed. She is very proud of her abilities and demonstrates them whenever possible. She sought to join Sagwa and Mirthful Meltdown of her own volition, believing that it would make her character darker and more compelling. Though she is happy there and there is a space for her in the group she seems less connected than a lot of her colleagues due to her delusions. However she is a hard worker and always gets the job done, so there are few complaints about her. 
Design Notes
- Split face design
- Black sclera, pink heart pupils
- Obsessed with accessories, even to her own detriment, she even wears jewelry on stealth missions

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