


6 months, 22 days ago


Trans Male
he / him
Darksand Ambush
Loyal . Optimistic . Foolhardy

A quote here, if you like.

Born and raised in The Darksand Ambush, Oneflight has an immense loyalty to his clowder and the cats within it. While he may not be the smartest of his peers, Oneflight makes up for it with his heart and his strength.


  • Sparring
  • Animal Watching
  • Telling Stories

  • Heights
  • Losing Friends
  • Getting Sick
Design Notes

  • Big n muscular under his fluff
  • Stripe pattern can be simplified
  • Teeth always exposed bc of his scarring

  • Has horrible seasonal allergies
  • Loves kits and wants to be a dad
  • Believes in soulmates and true love
Likely to

  • Spar with other combatants
  • Babysit the kits
  • End up in the medics' den
  • Go hunting with friends

Wildstorm and Dustbunny hadn’t even known they were expecting kits. The two mollies had been mates for some number of moons, but starting a family was still a vague, not fully formed idea. When Wildstorm complained about exhaustion and stomach pain, she learned she was having a litter only a quarter-moon before they arrived. They hardly had time to prepare by the time a single kit was nestled between them. They struggled through the night trying to think of a name for him, and finally (and from a lack of creativity) they decided on the name Onekit. The only kit in his litter.

Onekit was an adventurous kit from the beginning. From the moment he could walk and talk, he was bouncing around and bothering the other queens. Onekit wanted to see and know everything that there was to know. Despite his mothers’ best attempts to reign in his curiosity, Onekit didn’t understand why he had to stay with them all day. One night, when Wildstorm was asleep and the other cats in the nursery were sleeping or otherwise distracted, Onekit managed to sneak out of the cave and into the sands outside

He didn’t get far, but a lone kit was a perfect snack for a hungry owl flying over the territory. Before he even knew what was happening, Onekit was being carried up in the air by talons around his belly. Luckily for him, Wildstorm had realized he had gone missing and had caught up to him just as he was being taken. She leaped at the owl holding her kit, and in the commotion, the owl dropped Onekit - although not without heavily marking his face with its talons.

Once he returned to camp, Onekit was given a very stern, very worried talking to about going places without supervision. He recovered well, although not without a scar, and the event seemed to scare Dustbunny and Wildstorm more than it scared Onekit. He didn’t let it dampen his spirits, and although he was kept closer to his mothers’ side than before, he continued to explore camp up until his apprenticeship.

Onepaw’s training was largely uneventful. He showed skill in training as a combatant, despite being a bit of a gentle giant. His biggest worry was what his full name would be. One- as a prefix lended itself to a lot of different names when you were missing an eye, but Onepaw didn’t want to be named after the scars on his face. To his relief and amusement, he was given the name Oneflight when he was welcomed as a full combatant. It was both a memory and a promise - he had only flown once, and they could all only hope that he would not fly again.

When tragedy struck the Ambush, Oneflight remained as optimistic as always. With new neighbors in the form of the Everglade Warren, Oneflight is hopeful for the future and what lies in the moons ahead.


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  • Was very well loved by his parents, Dustbunny and Wildstorm.
  • Snuck out of camp as a kit and was nearly carried off by an owl before Wildstorm saved him.
  • Had a largely uneventful apprenticeship and tried to stay out of trouble.
Dulltalon mentor

Dulltalon is Oneflight's former mentor. His stricter attitude balanced out Oneflight's reckless nature and kept him from getting into too much trouble during his apprenticeship. The two still have a close relationship and Oneflight goes to Dulltalon for advice.

Silverdragon friend

As a fellow combatant who is only a few moons older than him, Silverdragon is one of Oneflight’s closest friends. They spar semi-often, and Oneflight is able to balance out Silverdragon’s more abrasive nature.