


6 months, 5 days ago


Shining paint, a marble heart, that's what makes a work of art

DFAB Female




50 Moons








Bisexual / Biromantic










ChiiAka & Pinky







Lilys & Lavenders










Writing on the Wall

Will Stetson


A violet she-cat with green eyes. She's got tabby stripes and a pink kittypet collar, and stands lithe and smooth. She's good hearted but forgetful and fussy, being a kittypet at heart.



Positive traits

  • Gentle
  • Cheerful
  • Sensible

Negative traits

  • Fussy
  • Forgetful
  • Airy



Iris was born to Peony and Alex along side her siblings Cane and Aster. She was a docile kit from the start, being quieter than her siblings upon entering the world.

She quickly grew to love and appreciate the no-furs that took care of them, humans, and all their weird quirks. Their touches felt great and they fed them so much food! Even if Cane made a mess of it all the time she still appreciated what they did for her.

It didn't take long for them to go to the cutters, the vet, to do.. something. She didn't like being in the box that they took her in, scared out of her mind even at a young age. She hissed and cried but her people didn't let her out until a new no-fur started poking and prodding at her, sticking her with a sharp and pointy stick! It was a miserable experience, even if she didn't hurt any no-fur.

Soon it was over though and she got to go home and play with her siblings again. It was better to forget that place!

It happened again later though, when she was taken to the cutters and she reappeared with a cone over her head. She didn't understand the cone, it stopped her from reaching her food bowl well and she made a mess! Her parents later explained she can't have kits but.. who cares. She was far too young to care about the idea of having kits and didn't really grasp the concequences of it all.

She just wanted to play with her siblings.. Though Iris ended up growing close to the idea of her no-furs.

At two moons old, Iris was taken to live with new humans. Their names were Morgan and Emily she later learned, and they had two darling children that loves Iris deeply as a kitten. She didn't know why she was going to a new home, and at first was afraid of the new no-furs that took her away from Alex, Peony, Cane, and Aster. She missed them dearly.

Though memories quickly faded and the love of her new humans was.. it was great. Really, they loved her and the children were nothing but kind. Soon she wore their collar around her neck with a sense of pride.

At 4 moons old, Iris was introduced to the neighbourhood cats by her no-furs. It was scary at first, but she quickly learned that the older cats meant well, they were just as scared as she was to meet the new member of the block.

So time passed, and she learned to play with the new toys in the house. She learned to love her new people and started to miss her old family less and less, though the thoughts of her littermates still stung her heart she had a new friend in Molly.


Iris spent more of her time with Molly, who ever though was a pet was often outside the glass door of the house. She would tell Iris all about the outside because Iris was rarely let out so young. Taught her how to catch prey in a funky lilttle pose too, though she never got to test it out,

They'd talk and talk all night and day given the chance, but Mollys no-furs would always call out for her eventually. She'd always go home before dark.

Eventually Iris was let outside on a leash, a long piece of string that kept her close to her no-fur, Jill was the first one to take her outside. She didn't stray far and that must have reassured her no-furs because soon they let her in the backyard without a leash. She never strayed far though.

This did mean she got to play with Molly for real though! They would wrestle, though Iris didn't like that game as much as Molly did.

Teenagership was just that, playing with Molly, Jill, and Kendall.

It was a peaceful time, and an enjoyable time that allowed Iris to bloom into herself. She forgot more and more of Aster, of Cane.. of her parents. They were there for such a short time and Molly was here right now! That was more important than dwelling on the past, right? Molly was her best friend and one of her only friends in the neighbourhood, though she knew of the other cats in the area they weren't as fun to Iris.

Growing up was clean and fun. It was peaceful and she learned to love it and love her no-furs. She especially loved Molly, like a sister.


It didn't last long though, that friendship with Molly. Soon they moved, Iris didn't understand it. She just knew she was in the big car in the garage with Kendall holding her close. She looked out the window of the car and watched the busy city streets turn to open grass and moorland. It was strange, and Kendall seemed stressed so she spent most of the ride trying to comfort her no-fur.

Soon they were at the new house, at first Iris thought it was temporary like the cutters. But they didn't go back.. she didn't even get to say goodbye to Molly. She hoped the other she-cat wasn't lonely, and would sit by the new glass door and wish that Molly appeared.

When she was let outside to talk to the neighbourhood cats she quickly learned of something strange. Cats that lives outside the fences of their houses. Clan cats, the others called them. It made Iris confused why and how cats would live without the no-furs that kept them safe. Wouldn't they be better to live wiht a no-fur?

She didn't see any of these strange cats outside her house though, so she quickly shook it off as a rumor. What kinda cat would live without a no-fur?

Months past in her new home and she got to know Pixies and Tasha, two she-cats that loved to gossip and were a bit older than her. They weren't as fun as Molly, and she would miss the she-cat for months to come, she learned to love the gossip and lack of playing. It was a little boring, but it meant she got to hear about the news of the area first.

Pixies would hang out at her place a lot, but Tasha wasn't allowed outside so they'd usually gather by Tasha's glass door.

There was news of a cat called Evergreen and Wicked carrying the corpse of a young cat called Remus to Dixie's and Romans gang. Clan cats apparently did this, and Iris wondered if that was true, or if it was a car. They were dangerous things, cars, if you weren't careful. It did strike her that if so many cats were talking about clan cats they must be real though.

And Remus.. To die so young was a crime. Iris wasn't that old, only two years, and she felt she hadn't lived her full life. What about poor Remus? She mourned the loss of the young tom.

Yolfie and Heisenberg were brutally attacked by clan cats, depiste not being on those strange cats land. Yofie dies from her wounds, not even the cutter able to save her. Iris is afraid, and doesn't go outside for a bit. Pixies doesn't visit, it seems more cats are staying at home to be protected, and she spends a lot of time with Kendall and Jill instead. They had school now, so they weren't always around, but she was with her no-furs often.

She hated being alone, and she often was in the daytime due to her no-furs leaving often to do their daily activities. She couldn't go with them..

She hears a rumor from when she finally ventured out to see Pixies in a stressed mood, the killings were only a month ago, that a group called the Tribe of Rushing Storms disbanded. Apparently it made the forest less safe, and gave Iris even less of a reason to go out there.

Soon apparently Shadowclan takes shelter at the waterfall. She didn't know of any waterfall, come to think of it she didn't even know anything outside the fences of her and her friends dens. The forest seemed so daunting, she only heard about things from rumors from her friends. She didn't even know if it was all true.

Soon they hear about the plight of the clans, that there was takeovers. Cats who were against the clans seemed pleased that they were destroying themselves from the inside out but Iris.. She was worried. Cats were cats, no matter where they lay. She believed the clans were real now, with how much news spread about them, and that just made them potential friends that lives without no-furs. How painful that must be for them.

Bobbie, one of Dixie's gang members and a romantic partner of the she-cat, is killed by the clan cats during an attack with Heisenburg and Shiver at her side. Iris is upset to hear that clan cats are still killing kittypets, what did they ever do to them other than fight back? She's not a violent cat, but it brings fear into her heart to know that clan cats are so violent. What if she ran into one, would they be friendly like she hoped or would she end up like Bobbie and Remus?

She spends a lot of time at Tasha's place with Pixies, discussing the issue at paw. Those two seemed to think clan cats were brutes that didn't deserve their meals, while Iris was more forgiving. They couldn't be all bad, could they?

Abbadon and Diesel attack Thunderclan of their own choice, though it yields nothing but failure. Diesel ends up dead, and it's another name to notch onto the death toll of the clan cats which causes Iris to retreat into her house again. Tasha and Pixies don't visit, and Iris wonders if they're really her friends or if she's just convient to have around.

Rumours abound that Dixie, one of the heads of the Kittypet Gang, has died kitting stillborns. In the wake of her demise, Roman, her mate, is broken, and so is the Kittypet Gang... What was once promised to be a vanguard of safety for all outsiders who lived beyond the rule of the clans, is now a shell of its' former self, and the Kittypet Gang ultimately dissolves with no resolution nor justice for what they've all lost to the clan cats. Though there is no victory on either side, many cannot help but feel as though the clans have once again 'won' against the outsiders. Iris is.. confused.

They were meant to protect them against the clans, right? Why disband with the loss, couldn't they rebuild and make the kittypet gang a more friendly place?

Iris didn't know how to handle all this change, and spent a lot of time with Kendall, who was appreciative of her time. She even taught him the word for treats! It was a cheerful time, but Iris decided to pull away from Tasha and Pixies which made it sad again. They weren't really her friends, right?

News of a beach and two beings called Teko and Flick arrive to her ears. Though she wouldn't leave her home to see this beach, she would hear of it. Sometimes she thought she even heard the word in Kendall and Jills mewling, but it couldn't be right. They tried to speak to her sometimes but their accent was terrible and their words always garballed.

It's rumored that Roman's human has taken him away, similar to when she arrived, because of all the death in the area. It makes sense, but Iris is still sad to see him go. He must have friends here, even if his kits weren't with him after Dixie's death.

She moved as a barely adult cat, she couldn't imagine being in the area for so long and then leaving it again. She felt older and wiser, and couldn't imagine leaving her home now! Roman must be devistated, but you can't disobey your no-fur.


Heroncry & Aster


"I barely remember you.. but I miss you I think."

Jill & Kendall

Human Owners

"My young no-furs! They love me and I love them, you know they always give me food and gifts?"

Morgan & Emily

Human Owners

"The bigger no-furs in the house, they don't give me as many gifts as Jill and Kendall but they mean well too!"